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    It wasn't a Cloud doll so much as a Hero doll from IanJ's "RPGWorld." Hero was definitely "influenced" by Cloud.

    Of course, there's one specific bit in the song which is perhaps one of the best musical cues of all time. You know the one, around two minutes in. It ends with this "DA NA NAAAA!" and you can't help but think "Su-per-man!" when you hear it. John Williams knew exactly what he was doing there.

    I'll write reviews for SU. This show is too good to be overlooked.

    I'll need to rewatch the ep, then. Anyway, domestic widebodies are unfortunately a rare sight these days, but for the majors (Delta, American/US, United) there are a few occasions where you can find one… if you know where you're looking.

    Bird law is still one of my favorite gags from this series. Turns out Charlie was right!

    I think the stop in North Dakota was because of the kid Frank put out of commission with sleeping pills.

    Southern California is often afflicted by "The June Gloom," when the Santa Ana winds bring dreary overcast in a seemingly never ending weariness.

    As an airplane nerd, I found Mac's comments about being on a "wide-body DC-10" to be hilarious because they're clearly on a 767, the only plane with 2-3-2 seating in coach (and the stock footage of the plane landing was of an Air Canda A320). DC-10s haven't been in service on a major airline for eight years. I know

    No mention of Billy West as Nixon, who absolutely makes Nixon? For shame!

    I actually thought that particular officer was a reference to Superjail's Alice. Very similar design, red hair, same mannerisms.