
here, I’ll make it easy for you: it’s not on Switch

I’ll save you some indecisiveness - Tetris Effect isn’t on Switch 

It’s not that the story is weak or vague, it’s that it feels rather slight. Five or six quests and you’re done. The bulk of your time is spent doing sidequests that almost all relate to one of the four factions vying for control, and the game strongly pushes you to commit to one of them before you head past the point

In The Elder Scrolls, the story told to your face is pretty lacking, I agree. But I gotta tell you, the lore you can discover in those games is AMAZING! It’s so much fun to read up on the world and stuff.

Huge kudos to the VR representation in this list. Beat Saber and Moss both show the potential of the medium in very different ways.

I liked „Where The Water Tastes Like Wine“ because it’s an exciting scavenger hunt for people who are deeply in love with folklore, made by people deeply in love with folklore.

Expert on some of those songs is absolutely vicious. I can handle it on “Beat Saber,” which is my go-to warm-up song, but some of those up-down trills on other tracks are just murder on my arms.


Because of the holiday I had to write this before Beat Saber came out, but expect a whole bunch of gushing about Beat Saber next week. As long as my arms still work to type.

I can’t attest to having played the game in VR but I am a huge wimp when it comes to horror games, so I went through a similar anxiety with RE7.

Thank you for your kind words! I just looked up Invisible Hours and it sounds very intriguing and up my alley. I also see it has non-VR capability. So I’m going to watch some gameplay vids and see if I get motion sickness from the movement. Decide if it’s something I can delve into! /cheer Love Agatha Christie style


My joke that it’s called Fallout 76 because that is going to be its Metacritic score is quite the hit at cocktail parties, let me tell you.

Now that is an interesting experience, playing through Deltarune without having played Undertale first. Mostly because the most interesting things about the new game (for me, at least) were the subtle ways it fucks with the Undertale formula—especially the final fight, which is a pretty clear refutation of the first

I’ve been dubious about FO 76 since day one and every YouTube, press and beta first impression I’ve heard so far has been cautious at best. If the point of such a publicised public trial was to drum up interest for a product before launch (and that launch is now two weeks away), then it feels like Bethesda have shit

I promised myself I’d go through every Resident Evil main game between the first one and 7 if at all possible and I’m almost done! ^^ /cheer

Phantasmagoria does not hold up. When it isn’t cheesy dumb, it’s downright awful (that rape scene, woof). It’s D-list (at best) actors bumbling around on a green screen stage with terrible mid-90's graphics overlayed. A Puzzle of Flesh is equally terrible.

I gave Doki Doki a shot and I just couldn’t do it.  I knew that it would eventually get somewhere interesting but I didn’t have the patience for it.  

Phantasmagoria +1000000000000