
Exactly. I watched Polygon play the entire game, and throughout the whole experience the two players really got into roleplaying the two characters and their burgeoning friendship. The game encouraged this too, with numerous minigames scattered around it’s levels where the two characters (and players!) got to build a

I have been loving Celeste, and need to get around to the B sides and collectibles. Since beating the game I’ve focused elsewhere but I plan on playing again this weekend. Such a lovely game and story. There are definitely echoes of an unhealthy relationship with Madeline and Mr. Ichiro. I like that the old lady even

The main problem was neither of us knew the controls. I kept asking my friend what they were and he would say, “I don’t know.” I managed to crouch at one point and couldn’t figure out how to stand back up. Then the controllers stopped responding completely. I played Elite with a controller, so I had a bit more luck


The answer is...

Always awesome to see more people emulating the best elements of the Silent Hill series.

I find I forget it very quickly. I don’t know if that’s because I tend to only play a game once, or because I am not observing it passively, but I find it very hard to recall a game’s plot after the fact.

This is like when you finally see what a radio personality looks like, and you’re like, “They don’t look anything like a sprinting cactus.”

I think it’s disgraceful that a Westerner would go to Japan and lark around in front of some of the most revered and culturally significant locations in the country.

Yeah, when I was a kid playing Mega Man for the first time, that’s exactly how I always proceeded. Love the Cut Man stage music too. But then whenever I read guides and tips sites they’d all say “GO GUTS MAN OR BOMB MAN FIRST OR ELSE!” Oh well, Yellow Devil Boss always kicked my butt in the end anyway.

Shinigami Internal Monologue:

However, QWOP is actually a “walking simulator”, unlike the games some people feel they need to ascribe that derogatory term.

“Now, Timmy, pretend I’m a burly attacker...”

Without a doubt my favorite game of all time and still the one that I have stuck the most time into (120 hours on steam & 40 on XBL). If all of our Disqus accounts weren’t ethered you could go back on pretty much every Friday whatcha playin’ thread an see me musing about Spelunky from when it was released on steam in

In a refreshing change of pace, I will actually talk about what I’m going to be playing this weekend, rather than what I have played. In this case, it is the game Frostpunk.

I’ve talked about this before on the site, but one of the most maddening things about Cage’s works is how banal and generic his inspiration ends up. For a creator so obviously fetishistic of the film industry, he only seems to look at the most bland science fiction plots, Thomas Harris knockoff thrillers, or pulps.

Well, I can’t say I didn’t expect Metroid: Other M to be anything other than a huge mess with poor game design, miserable gender politics, and some of the worst, most leaden writing I’ve encountered in a long time (I’ve only just gotten to the point where I’m comfortable letting the dialogue play at a normal volume