
I can already hear their stans crying how unfair it is and continuing to be the douches they are.  These d-bags are local and I hope they go under.  I hate this crowd so much, makes me embarrassed to own a Dodge truck.

Must cost at least

I could, but I didnt hear it first hand so its likely hershey

I should hate this.

So how much are the other ones?

In the words of the prophet Carey Mahoney:

Where is the kickstarter for this film?  Given the current state of the industry, we NEED this.

Cocaine shark - DO DOO DO DOO DOO DOO

Now playing

Shit. Now we’re gonna have to add another verse.

Now playing

My uncle has a country place that no one knows about

Now playing

For my 50cc and under motorized friends, gotta be Hollywood Holt.

Came here to post this, not mad at all I got beat to it.  Classic.

Now playing

Lifter tickin, accelerator stickin - something in my left front wheel keeps clickin

*reviews trouble ticket, looks at model name of vehicle*

Drop the front end a couple inches and LS it. Relish in the hatred you will receive.

That’s a fair point that could definitely be argued. I did not consider the time gap.  Probably would need to lean on the hope that whatever hardware is holding the straight pipe on looks to have not been disturbed in a while.