Dusty Baker Street Irregulars


I liked Yaz stepping into the doctor role with Dan by bossing him around & not answering his understandable questions about if they were really stuck in the past 

Ok, now that we have cleared the hurdle of Mr. Whitbrook’s tiresome grousing about all things Doctor Who - we can now get to the real exploration takes place in the comments.

In a world where Donald Trump is president, The Big Bang Theory is/was the most-watched show on television, and Kim Kardashian has 65 MILLION twitter followers, I’m gonna step out on the limb here and suggest that the general public is currently experiencing a shortage of intelligence and/or good taste

The book had moments where it was ok. But in totality it was pretty bad. Now picture it being read by Wil Wheaton in the audio book version. My ears still occasionally bleed when I think about it.

Like I said in another comment, the person who wrote that review doesn’t even work here anymore so I don’t really expect other writers on this blog to share the same opinion of that initial review.

um no. also F you Ernest Cline, you incel. 

“Man, aren’t people who like things stupid?!”

I mean, he created a fictional world where his only skill, useless 80s knowledge, was the key to the self-insert protagonist becoming a billionaire and getting the girl. That is deeply, deeply pathetic. I do not think he is capable of introspection and self-growth.

Stranger Things is good 80's nostalgia, because it recaptures the essence of things that were good in the 80's. It feels like you’re watching a show from the 80's that was legitimately good and just happened to be entrenched in the culture of the time by virtue of when it was made.

I was kind of eh on Ready Player One-it was silly, it was a weird 80's fantasy sci fi, but I borrowed it from the library so it wasn’t a big deal. I’ve read worse books on Kindle Unlimited.

“Finally it’s-a Luigi’s time-a to shine!”

Ready Player One is a very bad book and Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One is an even worse movie.

Leave it to Goop to preach bullshit.
If everyone is so darn healthy from all those pricey Goop “wellness products” ,what’s the problem Gwyn? All that detox, de-stress advice and immunity boosting bullshit letting you down? You should all be bulletproof about now, not complaining a bout being home in a large house with

Yes. And I have 4 kids. *shrug* It’s not that difficult as long as you can block out the world for about 30 minutes.

Let's be honest, living in an aircraft hanger with Gwyneth Paltrow would be close quarters. 

Except it’s not a news network. It’s entertainment/sermons for white supremacist evangelicals.

Larry Kudlow was fired from Bear-Stearns for a cocaine addiction.  How bad must his coke habit been if an investment bank thought it was TOO MUCH?

Nancy Snyderman was canned from NBC for publicly and blatantly ignoring an Ebola quarantine. There was a big kerfuffle about it and she disappeared from the network as part of the very public fallout.