Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

In before Thiel. RIP Gawker and the Deadspin comments section.

McDonnell Douglas had “invented” self-landing rockets 30 years ago, too.

A time traveler wouldn’t have “predicted” COVID cases in the US would be down to zero by April 2020.

Hell he didn’t even found Tesla, he bought the name founder. It wasn’t his company he just did a leveraged takeover.

Even Tesla cars existed long before musk was involved 

No one will defend anything as fervently as Musk bros will defend their weird idol.

The confidence of a white man.

Well he figured out how to land rockets back on earth after launching them and figured out how make electric cars

No, "he" didn't.

What point do you believe you are making, I'd truly like to know, because I don't get it.

I encourage everyone to check out Planet Money’s shows about Micro-Face. They offer a lot of insight into things like the comic book industry and copyright law while being very entertaining.

This was a great series from Planet Money. I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn a bit more about the comic books industry. 

The podcast series was so fun.  I’m so glad to see a good product came out of it too. 

It doesn’t matter what the name of the team is, it doesn’t matter if she calls herself “queen” or not. All that matters is that the spice must flow.

I don’t find Leto’s pretense of “method acting” at all convincing. The idea behind method acting is to internalize a character’s experiences and worldview so you give a natural, unaffected, realistic performance. But I’ve rarely seen a performer more affected and unnatural than Leto. His performances that I’ve

His long bathroom breaks mean shooting schedules for the day go late which means crew are working long hours.  Given this is an action movie with stunts and such that means potential dangerous activities could be happening while people are putting in 12+ hour days because Leto can’t get his acting boner hard unless he

Some method actors do it because it genuinely helps them get into character (Daniel Day-Lewis), while others do it simply because they need to be the center of attention, and it’s a great opportunity to be an asshole and get paid for it.

Rory Calhoun just having a pulse would impress me.

I read it as Rory Calhoun and was impressed at how well he was standing and walking.

It doesn’t matter.