Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

Oh good, another darkly lit story about Batman that’s gritty.  We can’t have enough of those.  What an original take.

I can explain it to you, I can’t understand it for you.

To cover the announcement of the sequel and point out some of the problems that the article’s author hope gets addressed.  Seemed pretty clear cut.

Yeah, you might want to reread this article again.

Most of Capaldi’s run had terrible scripts.  The Clara storyline went on for way too long and had a terrible ending.  Most of the Bill Potts series was fine.

Holy shit! It’s an actual lawyer in Kinja post.

Count me in.  Looks like fun.

Exactly.  A basic sentiment that the Nazis would use for their “race”.

I have to admit that I don’t understand the shock(outrage?) over the notion that The Master would work with the Nazis. How many thousands if not millions of people has he killed over the course of Doctor Who? Heck, even in this episode he killed several people by shrinking them just to get the Doctor’s attention.

No, I'm fine with allowing idiots making terrible choices and paying the inevitable price. The problem is that others end up having to pay a cost for their shitty decision making. I guess understanding consequences is beyond you huh?

I guess the idea of not putting unnecessary chemicals into your lungs is off the table, huh?

Interesting straw man you’re creating there. Pointing out the obvious problems with vaping isn’t the same thing as saying all smokers should die.

You also have to be a minister at some church and be a Boy Scout leader not yet caught molesting boys.


Aw, did someone criticizing a billionaire hurt your feelings?  Did that give you a big sad?

You realize that she is the victim of revenge porn right?

It’s good to see that you agree that Democrat women should also have to resign when they have affairs with their staffers.

Lots of words written to avoid the issue.

Oh, you sweet, stupid child. You are reacting to an argument I didn’t make.

What the fuck are you even talking about?