Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

She is a fantastic doctor, with just the right blend of manic energy, warmth, and resolve. I have enjoyed her adventures with the three-person TARDIS crew but if rumors are true that the next season will focus on her and Mandip Gill as Yaz traveling together I think that could be even better & a good opportunity to

4. Listen to science and listen to doctors. Right? They’ve got your back.

Inspector Lewis… And all the previous alliterations.

If they had any damned sense, which isn’t a Democrat specialty.

Right? What a gift to Biden.

“I wonder if black people are next?”

You know what the statistics say also doesn’t lead to eternal marriage? MARRIAGE, YOU STUPID GARBAGE PERSON. 

all this means is rich donors threatened to withhold money from the school so they backtracked. not rocket science.

I think in the case of some students, with very religious parents, BYU is their only chance to go to college. But yeah hopefully the minute they graduate they’ll tell them all to go to hell and join the secular world.

If the religion you follow (likely through indoctrination from childhood) tells you that the god you worship hates you because of a defining aspect of yourself that has been with you since birth, i dunno...maybe leave that religion and find one that accepts you for who you are?

Gosh, Sweden looks completely different in this trailer!

(Just jesting. Lovely trailer<3)

Yeah whatever happened to the Friday GIF parties? 

There’s a lot I miss that io9 used to do.

Aw, this reminds me of the days when io9 would do Concept Art Writing Prompts. I miss those so much.

“But we can’t control that price, because we need the private sector to invest. Price control won’t get us there.”

Even if it’s not the virus - anyone who has lived through the last 3 years and thinks for a hot second that Trump and his team are going to allow an election to proceed if it looks like he is probably going to lose is not paying attention.

it’s funny because apple users are douchebags

That was my first thought...I think that maybe one out of the last hundred-or-so cellphones I’ve seen in the wild was an Apple device. They’re really just not that ubiquitous to begin with, so why bother?

IP lawyer here. Let me explain what’s actually going on.

Apple has billions of dollars of cash. If they want to sue every filmmaker who lets a bad guy clearly use an apple product, even if they lose, they can do that, and the studio is not interested in paying for those lawsuits.