Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

My first year at a small law firm I had a large firm partner like her — who was later disbarred for cheating on his taxes — yell at me for a solid 30 minutes without me being able to get a word in saying how if I was a real attorney I would work in a firm like his etc. When he was done he told me I needed to get back

Weinstein has already been indicted, that happened a long time ago. This is a state case and the President has no ability to offer a pardon.

By your rationale, the men’s team shouldn’t be paid hardly at all because they can’t beat the men’s teams from other countries.

This is a strange argument because the USMNT doesn’t win against those international teams either.

The fact is that the USWNT could not beat any of the teams the USMNT plays, 9 times out of 10, and everyone involved is aware of that fact.

I mean, she’s practically begging for it.

She never should have put herself in the position to be criticized. 

Just ... disturbing on so many levels.


He already does...

Consider it written from the photon’s perspective. 

An armchair psychologist would say she sounds like someone who had a bad experience, blames herself for it and projects that blame on to others as a defence mechanism so that the self-blame won’t destroy her


As a rule, I dislike pranks. This is what is meant by “There is an exception to every rule.”

You keep calling her “The Ruth Doctor” when clearly she is Doctor Ruth.

It’s interesting to note that the Doctor (Jodie) scans Gat (who was awesome and had a great costume and who I hope to see again) and refers to her as a *Gallifreyan* and not a Time Lord.

I loved it. Every second.

I’m also leaning to alternate dimension. That our Doctor and the companions are actually sick in Ruth’s dimension. Not the other way around.

Considering that the Kasaavin from the first episode are supposedly from another dimension themselves, I’m currently putting my chips on the alternate reality theory, and that they tie together somehow.

Paris hatred is sexist.