Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

I feel like in the episode he makes some quip like "They may be lowly humans, but they've got a good idea" or something like that. Mind you, I'm more surprised that this is the first time the Master has been with the Nazis

To the extent the Master has any politics, they pretty much boil down to “I should rule all of creation, and anyone who refuses to obey me must die.”  

It’s an extremely disconcerting moment, considering the Doctor’s escape plan already assured the Master would fall foul of his “allies,” an incredibly cruel and out-of-character moment for a show and hero that has always championed diversity in the face of hatred and bigotry

She disables the filter because he could just change it to be somone else real quick and that wouldn’t give her the time to get to his TARDIS.

“When, Exactly, Did Palpatine Fuck?”

Let’s just say, with the Sith - it’s usually Forced...

“willing to take a torpedo to the reactor core”

Of all the things we have to believe in the movie about ol’ Sheev, him having a child at some point is the least of them.

The answer to that is: the movie was already long enough and it doesn’t matter

Why they kept that arbitrary 16 hours time limit in TRoS is beyond me. It made no sense logically and ultimately could have just been cut out completely and nothing would have changed.

Is it really that big of a stretch to believe that the most powerful person in the galaxy had a women or two around him to do with as he pleases? I mean that’s dictator shit 101. 


I think Williams made it clear that “being political” can mean speaking up for causes when it’s needed. Clearly, deliberately talking about topics that need to be talked about.

This speech made Ricky Gervais look like an even bigger asshole, asking people to not get political in their thank you speeches.

Best line of the night- Women 18-118, when it comes time to vote, please vote in your own self interest. Oh how I wish folks understood that the GOP isn’t in anyone’s self-interest unless you make a lot of money.

If this movie is what it seems to be - 2+ hours of space wizards with laser swords and rebels fighting a galaxy-wide evil - I’m excited, because that’s what I want to see in Star Wars.

They killed Snoke which everyone said was “not interesting so who cares that he died.” Yeah because no one tried to make Snoke interesting.

Exactly, they don’t look like Star Wars movies. I don’t know enough about film study to put my finger on what it is exactly. The story films, Rogue One and Solo, pulled it off a lot better than the sequels. Of course The Mandalorian absolutely nailed it. 

Totally agree, their biggest mistake was kicking George out. He should of at least had some involvement as a producer or maybe instead of tossing away his entire script, they could have edited it to improve the dialog.

That sounds like someone trying to tell me what happened in a movie, not what I remember seeing in that movie 

So it’s a J.J. Abrams film: Generally very enjoyable in the moment, but if you stop to think about anything, little-to-none of it stands up to scrutiny. Ultimately, (not to open this can of worms again) it’s “just” a theme park ride. Given the level of excitement that surrounded Galaxy’s Edge though, maybe that really