Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

Or a President or Supreme Justice, it seems...

maybe we are looking at this all wrong, what if he grabbed her butt to make people think he doesn’t like little boys? deflection via smacking 

There’s a loophole here, though.  If you get a wife and kids BEFORE you start molesting kids, you’re golden.  Then, once you’re on record as a “good christian husband and father,” you can pretty much do whatever.

“it was purposely designed to make the gig company money.”

“gig work was never intended to make the gig worker money”

You also have to be a minister at some church and be a Boy Scout leader not yet caught molesting boys.

Savannah Bridge Run entry fee: $25

You can opt out of the process entirely by not using DoorDash, but apparently that might mean you have to go get food yourself.

The billionaire defender has logged on.

I dunno, “rich guy drives truck missing a number of important safety features on public roads, promptly runs over child-size object” seems like it’s of interest. Heck, that someone’s driving around this weird-ass prototype is of interest.


Geeze, who said this thing was going to have awful blindspots...

Musk is a complete moron and so are the sycophants that suck at his tit.

Not true. Duncan Hunter held on to his seat while still having an affair with a staffer AND being under indictment. Only when his wife turned on him and cooperated with the Feds did he plea guilty - and even then, he is not resigning until the end of the month, Just get out of here with that nonesense.

Kate mann wrote a book laying this important concept out, “down girl: the logic of mysogyny.” It is excellent and illuminating, tho also hard to read because you cannot unsee the the mechanisms of mysogyny once you realize it.

I watched an interview by a feminist; I can’t remember her name; but what struck me was her explanation of sexism vs. misogyny. Sexism is the doctrine and misogyny is the punishment when a woman does not adhere to the doctrine.

“I’m not so sure the federal government should monopolize student lending

Or an exploitative one to the rubes who believe in that. In Sanders’ case, probably both.

The thing is, nobody will bother because it’s such an obvious lie.