Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

Yeah - he wasn’t running 22 mph anywhere

Its scary how they’re eating out of the hands of Vladimir the impaler.

But I bet he’s a true patriot who defends the Constitution. (If only he had any idea what it says.)

Joe Westworld

very cool we live with millions of fucking lunatics who think shit like this 

One of those “unintended consequences” that Sandberg referred to? A survey by the Lean In Foundation and Survey Monkey, according to Sandberg, found that “60 percent of male managers in the United States are not willing right now, are nervous, about having a one-on-one interaction with a woman.” Per Variety,

What a dumb asshole.

Part of me wants to ask “what the fuck makes dudes like this think shit like this is okay?”

The rest of me understands: “Entitlement. Entitlement, and a culture that has been content until just recently to say ‘boys will be boys.’”

Thank god the second part of that appears to be experiencing some pushback, at least.

What a fucking dirtbag. I hope he gets hit in the nuts with a Buick.

If Anibal Sanchez can continue to look like an ace, the Nats may have a shot. 

Only choice” is an oxymoron.

It’s “Uncommon on our campus.” Like it only happens every couple years or so.

I tried to search the site to ensure the were taken down, but I got distracted.

Naw, they’ll just suspend him ‘pending the investigation’ and he’ll be reinstated prior the winter meetings.

While I didn’t think it was possible for this to be even worse than it was, now it appears he deliberately targeted the reporter and has been going at it with her about Osuna and domestic violence for a while.

Taubman was holding a cigar

Username/comment synergy is always greatly appreciated.

The Astros will quietly say “the punishment will be handled internally and we have no more comment on the matter” in the middle of the offseason and that will be the end of it until this dude becomes GM of the Mets or some shit and has a teary press conference about learning from his mistakes, how he’s a proud father

Unless you’re playing DFS for money, there’s no beef here.

Matthew Berry should also PIVOT as far away from video as possible. And also radio, and possibly even print.