Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

The dickhead was an investment banker. If he was good at it, he’s probably a borderline sociopath (I should know, having never taken any science classes.) He doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone or anything but himself and whatever databases he masturbates over at night.

You know, this never would have happened if women reporters weren’t allowed in the clubhouse.”

If the comments were really about “the game situation that just occurred” and “supporting the player during a difficult time,” wouldn’t it have been better if they had been made to that player and referred to that situation? Even if you stretch it to mean that he was trying publicly to exhibit confidence in Osuna, a

Exactly who I pictured, and then verified with a google search:

His comments had everything to do about the game situation that just occurred and nothing else 

Thank you for pointing out that Leach’s shtick kinda sucks. A lot of popular sports sites with entire verticals devoted to college football won’t dare go down that path.

Why replay the game? Should be automatic forfeiture....only way to shut these guys up once and for all. 

Yep. Hence my reply, 3 minutes before you posted, acknowledging that fact.

Ah, I missed that. Still a fitting punishment (costing them a win), and I hope that the “fine, we’ll make it an away game” is kept on the table for future infractions. 

It wasn’t though, Christians mostly had their asses handed to them during the Crusades.

so this coach cheated, got caught, refused to cop to it, then threw a 17 year old kid under the bus?

“It’s still a kid’s game at the end of the day.”

My 18 year old nephew is dating a 17 year old who has matching arm tattoos with her mom that she allegedly got when she was 15. Phoenix is trashy.

They were also cheating because the running back is 33 years old and also Marshawn Lynch.

A Shot of the coach during the game:

Good to see the catholic mentality of win by any means necessary continues.

You would too, if your name was Mitt.

The school recently announced the hiring of new head coach Greg Brandory

“That’s a thing our kids do on the regular basis, you know, they try to change jersey numbers and sometimes don’t let us know,” said Gregory.”

“A perfect 158.3 passer rating with a hallucinatory stat line: 25-for-31 passing for 429 yards, five passing touchdowns, and a rushing score to boot.”