Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

Her mother raised her and her sister Lee from day one to do one thing and one thing only: Get a rich man to take care of you. She was raised to see other women including her sister as nothing more than competition - she almost had no choice in the matter, but she really is one of history’s most glorified gold-diggers. 

That’s the sort of sequence that would shake Dalton to his soul if, well, you know....

  In a few weeks we have Jets vs Bengals, that has Phil and Jim written all over it. 

Falcons should of won the Superbowl when they had the chance.

Andy Dalton is probably just praying for the sweet release of death at this point. In other words, he’s looking forward to the matchup with the Rams.

Just another topping for the shit sandwich that is the Falcons' season.

I’ve...had this friend? I’m so embarrassed now that we were ever “friends.”

Meh. Jackie O always seemed like a bit of a cunt.

What’s up with this weekend? Is it a full moon or something? Everybody’s fighting in footbaw-land (see two separate Ohio high school games, Clemson yesterday, and the Dolphins earlier today).

I thought the same thing! Like, there was no one she could ask about the going rate for a celebrity children’s book? 

I'm beginning to think he might be a bad person.

Meh...rules are rules. Don't design a play or tell a player to do something that isn't legal and act surprised when your team is penalized.

David Attenborough. Richard only commentated on dinosaurs.

For Wisconsin, the visit to Illinois was the moment...


My brother married an extremely wealthy woman, and since he’s the favorite in our family, he’s doing all the estate planning for my parents -against their attorney’s wishes. I expressed my concerns that he wouldn’t be fair because he was trying to pull some shenanigans that oddly benefit him only.

Now, all success is scrutinized. Merely to succeed, especially financially, invites scrutiny, judgment, abuse.”

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“The demonization of wealth in this country is mind blowing. A country built on both freedoms and commerce.”

I think if you do this you shouldn't have to pay taxes for the rest of your life. Armageddon style