Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

the five phases of Guys

And none of what that clown says is remotely true. And again...for those in the back. Freedom of speech is freedom from government intervention and prosecution for protected speech (and not all speech is protected). Getting fired for exercising speech does not fall under any auspices of the First Amendment. This shit

Jalen Hurts is suddenly exploring his professional options in baseball.

I’d like to start a petition.. if the Dolphins go 0-16 then we no longer have to witness the 1972 Dolphins celebrate when the last undefeated team losses... watching them celebrate is insufferable.  

Oh sure, but when I start screaming for the voices inside my head to shut the fuck up, people start looking at me funny and stop returning my calls.

November 11: Seahawks at Niners. Possible MVP against the best defense in the division for the lead. That game should go a long way towards cementing Wilson’s MVP should Seattle win it.

Should I get off your lawn?

You know how passionate people get about instant replay? I’m that way about in-helmet headsets. I don’t even like plays being signaled in from the sidelines. And don’t get me started on Chip Kelly’s rebuses.

Ooofff, I haven’t seen an awkward white boy so thoroughly ignored since I was in highschool.

Entirely correct. The Cowboys organization is more about marketing and image than assembling a winning team.

Yeah they made a kind of deep playoff run last year, but there is no way in hell this is a superbowl contending team.  They’re a playoff contender on their best day.  Their division is weak, but Eagles will probably still win that.  Dallas can beat up on weak opponents then fail against good teams, but this sunday

Ronan Farrow is more gangster than his Papa Frank ever dreamed of being.

here’s how this past week has gone for fans of Atlanta-based/adjacent sports teams: the Braves were utterly obliterated in Game 5 of their NLDS series against the Cardinals, the Georgia Bulldogs choked at home in overtime against unranked South Carolina, and now this. Fucking hell, that’s depressing.


The only way I ever knew it was Columbus Day was that my schedule would be full of teachers and bankers getting their follow up appointments.

Whoever wants Trevor Lawrence should trade for Rosen ASAP

I don’t play Fortnite but God-gamn their end of season events cool. I wish other games did stuff like this. 

At what point do we just say boxing shouldn’t be a thing anymore?  I wonder if in 50 years people will look back in disbelief that this sport even existed in the 21st century.

First of all, since the fuck when is an open door cause for 5-0 to be all up in yoiur house, peeping in and shooting from outside like they don’t have any goddamn sense?

“The officer, who has been with the Fort Worth police since April 2018, was responding to a call about a residence with an open door.”