Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

is that why they keep losing to Maryland

That rule would put the Nebraska Huskers in National Championship playoffs and no one wants that...yet.

Have you ever met a Trump supporter? Or, hell, any Republican these days? They are nothing but aggrieved victims. Life is unfair, nothing is ever their fault and everyone and everything is out to get them.

Seriously, she shot her twice in the back as she was fleeing because she feared having her gun taken??

When he opened his stupid ass mouth

Tough to be an MLB pitching coach when you refuse to work with lefties.

When did this guy become so aggrieved? Somewhere between idolized baseball play to shitty business person he became a real jackass, and I just don’t understand the transformation. Totally jobbed the state out of money, left it paying a tab, and he’s the victim?

Way its going with this bitch she needs a shit load of stickum for her goddamn taser because she keeps losing it and has to ‘resort’ to shooting someone.

I really struggle to understand how someone riding a scooter turns into a situation where you need to shoot them.

Good thing he didn’t see the guy who came out after her.

You think he is distracted now, wait till he sees the guy that followed her out.

It makes me think of something a buddy once said years ago upon seeing a Black Eyed Peas CD for the first time.

Arizona, the Florida of the Southwest. Only thing missing is a scorpion.

When Maddon gets there he’ll work with the kid and probably install a doggie door in the bullpen.  

I live my life by a simple code:

Didn’t read it yet but it’s capitalism. And the right getting high and mighty on this and the NBA thing are hilarious.

It makes me feel a little better, assuming you won. 

So if you’re either 12 OR 46 years old, this is the movie for you. It’s for exactly no one else.

Problem is, if they haven’t already used it, a team scoring to take the lead under two minutes will just take it then and run out the clock, thus preventing the other team from answering.

and yet here you are in the dirt with the rest of us, you slug