Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

Seriously. Baseball’s the only sport where a team CAN come back from an insane deficit in the ‘final’ moments because of the lack of time limits and never are those moments not awesome.

Does it matter? Whether they were asked or said it without promoting, they are still whinny little babies.

“If it’s ok to shift with a 7-run lead, then it’s definitely ok to bunt.”

Your profile name is exquisite.

This is the equivalent of staring off the game with an onside kick, pulling your started after one incomplete pass, going for it on 4th and 30 on your own 5, and then bringing in your special trainer to play QB. This isn’t unconventional. This is bad.

“Wait, you can run the bullpen into the ground, too? I’ve wasted my life.”

I don’t know who the hell you are but you’re not from Philadelphia.

I don’t think you have a firm grasp on the meaning of the phrase “throwing someone under the bus.”

But her emails!

The same police that gets scared for their lives, and unload an entire pistol mag every time they see a black person old enough to walk on two legs? Are those the police that you’re talking about.

Horribly stereotypical rom-com characters - precocious child, overbearing mother and family, female lead trying to balance work and personal life, et cetera.

They have seen in recent years their peers die, the latest Tom Benson from New Orleans, and last year Dan Rooney from Pittsburgh, and mortality is driving a hunger and sprint for rapid turnarounds and more valiant championship-thinking and movement. 

I hated the book, but I’d thought about seeing the movie because this is probably going to be Spielberg’s last big genre project* and the advance reviews have been mostly positive. But everything I hear about this thing — even the good reviews — make it sound just horrible. Like, why in God’s name does it have to be

Beth has been pretty open about liking the novel and whilst I’m not sure what she thinks of the film I doubt she hates it.

Hillary is a perfect example of someone damned if the do, damned if they don’t. It’s tedious and unwinnable.

I despise the word “hater.” It comes from the notion that nothing a person does can be criticized at all ever in any context, because that person is perfect and beautiful and everything they do is pure and they piss gold butterflies. Thus, anyone who dares to say “hey, maybe you shouldn’t...” is a “hater” even if the

No, this article is saying “PR firm does shady job in shady way.”

Drink some more. You’re defending a company that took the job of defending MSU over Larry Fucking Nassar. They didn’t get drafted. PR firms aren’t public defenders. They chose this. Come down off the hill.

I wouldn’t waste my time on this troll. Dog whistles like “Obamian” are very transparent.

motion to grant personhood to all dinosaurs