Well, to be fair, no rocket could ... so ... ?
Well, to be fair, no rocket could ... so ... ?
I came to the comments looking for 7 to 9 good Geoff Fischer jokes in the comments and I came away disappointed.
I’m guessing the answer falls somewhere between 7 and 9...
Actually, the fact that his name was spelled incorrectly is probably a sign that is WAS from Young and not the athletic dept.
It was their joke in the first place. They didn’t know he would take it seriously, but they’re not surprised.
Nah, he couldn’t tell ‘cause of the horizon.
At least I can go home and have dinner and see my cats tonight.
So his rocket to prove the earth is flat couldn’t get him high enough up to prove that? Is that what I’m reading
So this guy’s one step closer to really elaborate suicide?
Did anyone else notice that the Fox “reporters” who were on the street, interacting with the crowd during the rally didn’t have the square sleeve with the Fox News logo attached to their microphones? I wonder why that was? Were they afraid of being identified easily?
This guy saying he doesn’t believe in science is like someone placing a hot meal they prepared on the table and saying, “I don’t believe in cooking.”
Great job by Dana not backing down.
Old tough-guy coach shits on female reporter? Shocking.
That was such a fucking ridiculous response to a totally legitimate question. He had to know it was going to be asked.
It’s like people can do and say some good AND some bad stuff. I know, weird, right?
No, damnit no. Nothing here condones or forgives his fucking terrible actions. The fact is his abhorrent behavior make this take surprising and because it’s Johnny Foobaw, it’s news. He can have good opinions, and use his platform to share them, while still being terrible person toward women.
But be a black man in Texas and steal a pack of cigarettes and you’re getting 99 years.
Ethan is the ‘affluenza teen’ if that story sounds familiar.
watching how kaepernick’s protest has resulted in the booting of every protestor from the NFL, and slowly but surely through college sports and other professional sports, and it shows you that white people would rather burn the entire constitution to the ground rather than say, “hey, maybe we should talk about the…
Get rid of the traitor flag and all of that other treasonous confederate garbage first you traitors. Otherwise, STFU.