Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

Please feel free to show evidence of Hill misusing campaign contributions similar to Hunter. If not, then shut the fuck up.  

He's also a man.  Let's not discount the "Boys will be boys" standard that other men are holding him to. 

Not when he whines about being a misunderstood billionaire. 

This cannot be said enough. #RIPDeadspin

Hi Dave.  Don’t you have a pizza to eat or a woman to harass?

Yep.  Already acknowledged my error multiple times.  Thanks for adding to the bandwagon. 

Keep up the good work David in “sticking to sports”.

Bullshit? Fuck that. The Bulgarians were clearly on PGH - Pumpkin Growth Hormone. Bastards need an asterisk by their world records.

God, I wish I could forget Alabama.

Okay Chief. 

Yes, I misread the chart as I’ve acknowledged multiple times. That, however, doesn’t make your point that a 60% miss rate is some type of ridiculous figure any more intelligent.


Yes, I made a mistake but you were the dipshit that tried to equate that error with a lack of football knowledge. 

Yes, I’ve noted I my error in other posts.

Yes, a kick that has X% of being made, has a 100%-x% chance of being missed. Learn some math dude.

Thanks for the clarification. I got the relationship of the X,Y axis but missed the what the 40 yard meant.  Guess I should have either paid greater attention to the article or the meeting I was in.

Thanks for the clarification. My bad. Still can’t imagine every rush has a 20% rate of fumbles. 

You realize that “brother” can also reference to any male sibling, right?