Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

I realize I'm just feeding your troll effort here, but how in the fuck do you think the phrase "I am a brother," was an explicit reference to race?

How the fuck does a small publication in New Mexico have a more thorough vetting process than ESPN?

It’s always amazing to see coaches go on at length about being “mentally tough”, wilt at the first sign a slightly uncomfortable question.

The timing for this is pretty good. Taubman has plenty of time to return to his fantasy baseball roots next season.

Apparently this is why we need a wall on the Colorado border.


From the original post:

Trying reading next time. The original post talked about the bullpen usage throughout the playoffs not just one series.

Maybe.  If the rest they got because they swept the Cardinals isn’t enough then I’m not sure how meaningful an extra during the Series will be.

To be fair, being concerned and pantless aren’t mutually exclusive.

This is all about brand management for him.  It’s performative outrage designed to deflect from his accuracy or lack thereof.

Yes, they are questioning why a dipshit in the front office decided to taunt female reporters with his joy over signing a man who hits women.

Has he stopped generating attention yet?

What do you think would be an appropriate number?

Ask the MLB players who got their start there.  

It is a sport that found inspiration from Bud Selig.

Ha! It better have been Croll Damn Tide or this dipshit can rot in jail. 

Yeah, but he gave a fake name. 

It only makes sense if they win a Super Bowl. And if it's only one then it's barely worth it.