
Try mixing it in your toothpaste!

Had this happen twice, many years ago on my ‘76 F150. Replaced the steering damper and bushings which were probably 20 years old and it never happened again.

Nutritional Yeast is the secret to so many things. Salad, popcorn, eggs. It’s surprisingly flexible.

Movie - Runtime

The real tip is to buy a “melamine sponge” instead of Magic Eraser ™. Less than 3 cents each. 

That’s just being homeless

That’s just being homeless

That exact situation was mentioned in the article.

Article title includes “grilling”. These were fried. Where is the grilling?

Toss in some hip thrusts while the bar is there...

I’ve been to the Falklands. It’s...interesting. They are angrily British. 

I’d also suggest Kava instant coffee. It’s sold as a “reduced acid” coffee and whatever they do seems to make it taste far better than most other instants. I’ll keep an eye out for Cafe Bustello though. 

A used Cadillac CTS-V Wagon can be picked up for far under $60k. You can use those savings for all the repairs. 

Viva Pinata all day man! 

It’s a Jeep thing, you wouldn’t understand

I just load up a mixer bottle (bought at Hudson or whatever) in the terminal with the minis I brought through security. May not work with things like a Jack n Ginger but most basic drinks are covert enough. 


That’s amazing. Peeling garlic is easy so making a video about adding steps and making it look appealing seems really hard.

>give him more of a pat down than anyone else

Don’t threaten me with a good time 

lol. It was made in China most likely and they took it away. It’ll probably be sold again soon enough.

Verizon offers a similar plan.