
It’s basically like that scene in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” where Toula wants to leave the restaurant and work for her aunt at the travel agency, and so the aunt and her mom convince her dad that it’s his idea. You have to use the old white man’s ego against him and manipulate him to do shit you want.

I didn’t realize this Howard Stern alum was getting paid by the DNC.

This has to be one of the best headlines ever published on Deadspin. 

“this is good for Bitcoin!"

Obama’s problem was that he told Trump what to do instead of convincing Trump that it was his own idea. A intellect Black man telling an ignorant blowhard of his type what to do never works. 

The officer subsequently fired 12 rounds into his body. The use of the gun had the desired effect and a coroner was called”

desired effect is just sadistic

Hopefully it turns out better than CarmeloWatch:


“Pretend those owners will actually drive their cars.”

Breaking: Cleveland’s spirit

It’s too bad they didn’t wait until day time before they took those shots. I have no idea how this car actually looks.

Rest in pieces, my sweet baby boy.

The physics as he hits the curb is absolutely heartbreaking.

Except he was living off of his sister’s charity to go buy groceries because he couldn’t bring himself to catch fish.  He wasn’t living off the grid--just near the grid.

I dream of doing stuff like this every commute to work. Kudos to him for doing it for some time. I hope to do it someday, but I’d need a toilet and toilet paper. And a fridge for beer. And place to pop in to buy beer and nachos. Also internet and cable/satellite TV access. And a big TV. And a building of some sort to

I would love to see the bullet points of his ideal political platform.

I’m not sure what’s more sad. The fact that he is so detached from reality that he thinks every single bullet point on that list is negative, or that millions of Americans will nod along and agree.

The coupe version... all the way.

Now as a parent, I would be forced to tell my child “You want to choose the people you look up to carefully. Be like that nice man who calls named himself after a serial killer. He knows how to treat people with respect, unlike that vulgar idiot who just howls like a monkey who’s president.”