
Since when is it being a dick calling someone out for their stupid, reckless and assholelike behavior that has blatently put an innocent person in danger? For fuck’s sake when has it become a crime for a human being to be rightfully angry? This problem was unequivocally the Civic driver’s fault. I wouldnt give two

Its not a rabbit hole at all. Not sure where you live but if you live in a city you cannot be this obtuse. It happens in heavily congested highway traffic all the time when some dumbass driver HAS to get ahead before the merger. People fly by on either side going into a merger then EVERYONE has to slowdown suddenly at

I agree in theory, but you KNOW there would be a ton of asshole aggressive drivers out there thinking “that guy isn’t getting by me.” I honestly think lane-splitting would create more problems because of the amount of assholes behind the wheel there are.

I can’t stress this enough: What if the next time this EXACT thing happens and there is traffic following closely behind the Civic??? If he taps the front to slowdown and allowing her to merge, he would have no where to go. If he accelerates, maybe she does the same thing. The berating was the ONLY thing the rider did

And the problem with this course of action is??? Driving a 3000-4000 LBS deathtrap like a mindless cretin has a cost and this woman was paid back in kind. By your logic, cops shouldn’t even bother issuing speeding tickets.

“instead of backing off and slipping in behind him, she CONTINUED to drive in his right of way”

Whattheaardvark said this very same thing about slowing down and my counterpoint is this: What if there was traffic not maintaining proper distance behind the Civic driver??? Slowing down in this situation is frequently the MORE dangerous course of action for a motorcyclist. Maybe him yelling isn’t the smartest thing

Negative however many stars this ridiculously absurd and inane comment gets. She broke TWO laws in one shot and you’re dismissing her as “inattentive”. She’s the type of driver than causes accidents and congests traffic. If that’s your take, I’m assuming you’re another “anything goes” driver who has no problem with

I mentioned it somewhere down below but will reiterate: Considering the nature of the Cap and some of these contracts, how brilliant does the Cavs contract for Tristan Thompson look now? Tons of people were ripping the Cavs back in the fall and now that deal makes the Cavs look clairvoyant.

Taking this fact into account, how ridiculously cheap/brilliant does the Tristan Thompson contract look like for the Cavs?

Snow tires, a hand break, and 4 feet of Lake Effect in Cleveland, Ohio. Been doing it all my life.

The inspiration this young man will bring to disabled athletes when he DOES make the Phillies will be a true eye-opener.

-1 This is good Kinja

After this series, Lue and the Cavs organization will come to understand this. Love can be an offensive beast (and be allowed to play mediocre defense) against less athletic teams, but against the likes of GSW and OKC, they ALL need to be on the same page in regards to what they expect out of Love as well as what Love

This this this. Our defensive scheme was better than any other teams to play GSW and Curry/Thompson STILL got a ton of open looks. I feel what really hurt them was the physicality that is allowed in the playoffs which Legler and Kerr both commented on after game 7. Tyronn Lue did this to perfection forcing the ball

Look people. I get it, Cleveland has been a punching bag for damn near a century. Inept management, players that fall on their own knife, decades of losing, our rivers catch on fire and a reputation that still has most folks looking at us as a post-industrial Mad Max like wasteland.

This might be the most apt and funny Kinja picture ever posted. Well done. +3 Reichs

Agreed completely, but he had to if he was going to ever be on an elite team going deep in the playoffs. With knee and back troubles, I don’t think he would ever be able to carry the workload necessary to play tough playoff basketball night in and night out.

He’s never going to be nor should ever have been expected to be Minny Kevin Love with Kyrie and Lebron dominating the ball. The fact is GSW is the worst possible matchup offensively for Love so he has to maximize his value in other areas exactly like he did last night.

You don’t ship Love to compete only with Warriors. Metrics don’t lie and no one can convince me otherwise: The Cavs offense is an absolute juggernut when it goes through Love when he’s surrounded by fast perimeter players. I don’t know what happened to regular season Love, but if he can play defense and rebound like