
Mentioned it above, this is 100 % correct. Legler was spot on that the Cavs didn’t minding switching on Curry because it didn’t really create any mismatches. Whenever Love or Thompson got switched onto Curry, the Cavs response was “fine, keep him outside the arc and if he drives, Lebron/Shump rotate to force a kickout

Dare I say this needs more
[Puts on sunglasses]

Its not obvious, watch it again. Legler was all over this last night. Every time the Cavs switched on Curry, Lebron was absolutely hounding the paint. The easy two was NOT there. Not in the 4th, not during any point in the game. When Thompson or Love got switched onto Curry, Lebron and Shump were hedging on the block

This taek is hawter than the time I got The Clap from not using a seat cover on a stall at Cleveland Municipal Stadium.

You and Rom Romberts are Clevelanders like myself; its nice to have some great Kinjaers repping the #216. I’m still on cloud 9 this morning. What a game, what a series. I’ll be watching the DVR’s of games 5-7 for a very long time.

Yawn #hawtestoftaeks

It does, just not against Golden State. Bad matchup for what he brings to the table but the metrics don’t lie. When he is more involved than being a guy sitting in the quarter waiting to shoot 3s, the Cavs were at their best all damn season.

Yeah, but not nearly in the volume it was when he played for Minny. Cleveland’s best offense does run through Kevin Love, as long as he’s not guarded by someone equal his size and more athletic. His footwork has gotten sloppier than it used to. I don’t know if thats a function of his role on this Cavs team or what,

Jump shooting teams typically will get fouled less, thus shooting less free throws. That’s how basketball works.

And whoever said he was overpaid was flat...out.....wrong. The guy brings a dimension to the game that very few people have. He’s probably not worth $82M to some other teams, but for his role on THIS team, he’s absolutely worth every last penny because of what he brings to the table within the Cavs system.

If Delly is getting any meaningful time in game 7, the Cavs are fistfucked.

Fuuuuuuuck. +whatever the hell you want

I hate you so much for having to read this.....and realizing it embodies every bad sports moment I’ve witnessed as a life long Clevelander :(

Um......Kevin Love was in Fat White Guy mode 2+ years ago and was a better player for it. I don’t like skinny, can’t post-up, fashionista Kevin Love. I want Fat Love back.

This is only true when The Cleveland Basketballers go into “pound rock into hardwood” mode for 23 seconds at a time. That game was won with defense and pushing the ball in transition. It could have been even worse for GSW if CLE kept its foot on the gas which they didnt’ during a large chunk of the 3rd. I don’t know

You are a national treasure.

“I did it first.”

You’re weak, you’re bloodline is weak, and I hope you don’t survive another winter.

Holy shit, perfect. +1,000,000 white blood cells.

This deserves waaaaaay more love.