
again, why does it fall on men to be ‘educated’ and not women to be more assertive, as well? why do they take no responsibility in these situations? isn’t it possible women are sometimes not clear enough? is making pretty much everything potentially rape really a solution?

Newsflash: people are shitty sometimes. Doesn’t make them all demons to be ruined publicly, nor criminals.

Someone doesn’t get to decide what a crime is all on their own. I could say any shitty way someone’s treated me is a crime and it doesn’t make it one. We have consensus for these sorts of things for a reason.


You posted ‘I won’ like a five year old and now you’ve moved on to ‘Everyone Who Disagrees With Me Is Themselves An Abuser’...you’re not so much winning here, homes.

And all because of the idea that some people want more veracity than ‘anonymous source says this so it must be true’ before they decide someone’s a

common sense = ‘for no good reason’

you never fail to disappoint, recognitions

you can pretend like Al Franken and Roy Moore are guilty of the same thing and are thus equal-level demons all you like, but some of us have more sense than that.

insufficient information? kinda like trusting an anonymous source’s word alone?

it’s a matter of holding out the possibility that this, lol, anonymous source in a third-rate website might, gosh, have motivations to be cooking up a story. that’s logic and common sense. waiting to have proper facts and all. but you dismiss that possibility based only on gender stereotypes. again, lol.

fitting since the far-left in 2018 is basically exactly the same as the far-right of the late nineties.

god help us if you’re ever on a jury with that categorically-erroneous perspective.

but its inconceivable to think that maybe, just maybe, things went down in a confusing way that isn’t as cut and dry as she’s making it out to be? why, because she’s female and thus automatically honest? you are seemingly arguing on the assumption that she couldn’t possibly be a) lying or b) confused because she’s a

i’m so glad there’s folks like you out there, by the way. sometimes i feel like i’m taking Crazy Pills. until the last couple years i’d call myself a far-left progressive, but the left has gone so far off the page into incoherent hatred and hypocritical ‘payback’ that i feel like i don’t have anywhere i belong

eyewitness accounts are notoriously unreliable. taking someone’s word for something is not how the justice system works, sorry. it’ll never be that way, no matter how much the radleft rages that all men are abusers who should be locked away on a woman’s word alone.

all the text and apology proves is that there was some

do you hear how sad it is to accuse anyone who stands up for the idea of thorough investigation and skeptical inquiry in a case of a serious criminal accusation as an “MRA Neckbeard”?


common sense is finding out as close to the truth as possible before you pick up your fucking torch. that’s called being a decent fucking human being.

betcha a lot of folks that believe in Women Never Lie support the Innocence Project, though.

that’s the saddest thing. if this were truly about helping victims of rape and sexual assault be believed, the activist crowd would face the very real problem of women occasionally having incentive to lie about being victims, because that only hurts the push to have victims believed.

but they won’t criticize a woman.

plenty of cases of proven false accusations of rape and sexual assault available to you if you just Google.

but please, keep pretending it doesn’t happen.


“People don’t make this stuff up”

Bullshit. Maybe it doesn’t happen very often, but it does. To deny it happens is to deny that anyone could ever have a motive for lying in these instances, and that’s pure naive insanity.

And since it does happen, rarely or not, the existence of it happening is why we should hesitate

that’s the thing. all she’s getting out of this is the chance to ruin his reputation. and people don’t think women have a motivation to lie about this sort of thing? or somehow are saints incapable of doing so?