
‘cares about innocent people not being ruined’ = ‘date-rape apologist’.


Profane attacks and assumptions about the character of a total stranger because they dare to disagree with you sure do make you seem mature and intelligent. Goodbye, credibility!

You realize people have different responses to sexual intercourse, right? Some are quiet, some are loud. Not everyone screams YES YES YES like they’re in an Herbal Essences commercial.

You’ve had sex before, right? Like with more than one person?

Yeah, not surprised that’s what you’d get out of what I wrote. Confirmation bias is a bitch!

I have no problem with affirmative consent. But you’ll read what you like into what I said no matter what I say.

The energy you lot put into trying to reclassify everything as SA so there’s always a way to to accuse someone of

Everyone Who Disagrees With Me Is Themselves An Abuser.

Seriously, do you have nothing else to offer?

it’s really telling how hard you’ll work to make sure a woman bears no responsibility in sexual situations whatsoever. that’s the opposite of empowering. it’s fifties-esque.

trotting out statistics about women being killed for saying no is assuming that applies to the Ansari situation, when it sure sounds like it

...was under the impression folks cared about reaffirming consent throughout the act these days, which is it? once, or repeatedly? y’all can’t even keep it straight anymore.

your entire post is a total strawman, that’s not what i believe whatsoever and never what i intended to communicate. you’re making the jump that i believe such things merely because i disagree with you on other points. i also never once spoke personally about anything i personally experienced, if you’ll look back and

i don’t think they’re as rare as everyone loves to pretend, but okay. i’ll allow that we see the available evidence differently and leave it at that. but the point remains, i personally am not willing to condemn ANYONE for ANY shitty behavior based on the paucity of what’s available here. just a personal principle, i

ad hominem about total strangers is SO classy when you don’t have any other argument to make.

since that excuse keeps coming up (‘this isn’t a police investigation!’), i’ll reassert that it’s generally a good idea to keep an open mind in non-court settings as well, when it comes to trusting someone’s word alone in accusations of wrongdoing. This was never a controversial opinion until recently.

and again, why

Maybe if I keep posting, just to piss you off, you’ll come up with more than one tired joke?

Everyone Who Disagrees With Me Is Mentally Ill makes you look a little...well, stupid. Just FYI.

deciding how someone else should conduct themselves morally is what the far-right used to do before the far-left adopted it. just saying.

and if you really think what Mr. Ansari likely did is rape, then you insult every actual rape victim that’s ever lived. please understand that there’s shades of grey and nuance to

awwwww, but i wanna talk to you! you’re so much fun!

nothing better than to attack my vocabulary, huh? maybe try harder next time.

and it isn’t my fault you have a small vocabulary, either. maybe hang around more educated people? crack open a book sometime?

awwww, we’re gonna play Everyone Who Disagrees With Me Is An Abuser. cute!

i’m invested in not condemning people based on someone’s word alone. it’s called not being a shitass. try it sometime.

the irony is i can guarantee i’m older than you. see, us grownups know how to be skeptical and not just take someone’s word as fact. i hope you learn someday.

not surprising you’d say something insensitive to the mentally ill. all you have in response are insults.

so you really think people should be able to make such accusations and hide behind anonymity? that’s fine, but you have to believe it for other crimes, too, and last i checked only in this area of crime are people allowed to make accusations anonymously.

that’s the usual excuse. my answer to that is: are you a shitty person? i don’t care if this is a courtroom or not, it’s still shitty to assume someone’s guilt based on another person’s WORD ALONE. don’t care if it’s an Evil Male or not. there’s a chance it isn’t how she said. and i’m gonna get more facts before i