
in a world where women are never held responsible for their actions and their part in situations, nah!

no, sorry. you shouldn’t be able to make accusations like that and hide behind anonymity. that’s the price of coming forward with stuff like this. that’s how the justice system operates.

...based on her account.

ah shit, sorry, i forgot women were incapable of lying.

i find it funny how the same ‘activists’ who dismiss the impact this has on an innocent victim of an accusation’s life pull out how ‘serious’ the implications are when people suggest the accuser should be named.

that’s an alt-right level of blatant ideological contradiction right there. it’s almost as if so much of

the problem is conflating ‘sleazy’ with ‘criminal’ and ‘evil.

considering this sounds like it falls into the first category, i can’t see much in this woman’s intention to publicize this than to embarrass him or garner sympathy/attention.


sympathy? revenge?

Why is it so hard to expect women to also be forthright about their willingness? What is so wrong about women being clear and not putting themselves in positions they don’t like (or decide they don’t like later) all for the benefit of being able to decide to ruin someone down the road should the whim strike them?


Plenty of women coerce people sexually, too, of course, but we have to ignore that these days as we’re seemingly back to ignoring womens’ sexual desires in general. And, y’know, the fact that we ignore that women could ever possibly do something as unsaintly as lie about a sexual encounter for their own gain.

and women, too, but we can’t treat women as creatures with sexual agency anymore. we’re back to treating them as virginal, helpless, agent-less maidens being ravished by evil men. yay equality!

indeed. his behavior was scummy. but she did it, fully consensual or not. and like it or not, that means it is not sexual assault.

maybe we can start holding people accountable for doing shit that makes them uncomfortable and then complaining about it later in an attempt to publicly ruin someone, also? maybe we can

If everything can possibly be construed as rape and women are never to be held responsible for their actions and decision-making in sexual situations (equality!), we’re going to end up with a world where extreme paranoia and rampant celibacy are the only option out of pure terror. and thus sexuality will once again

i’m glad we can decide crimes based on how people ‘feel’ now. that’s great for the justice system and all. no possible abuse there!

i don’t think anyone takes seriously the impact this can have on people who don’t deserve to be pariahs. there’ll be backlash eventually. many people agree it’s going too far and that’s a start.

The moral purity obsession and obsession with others’ private lives used to come from the right. i’m sad to see it coming from the left more recently. we used to be more open-minded.

That is incredibly sad that this culture has forced you into this. I’m sorry.

Are we ever gonna hold women responsible for their actions in cases like that, or are we just gonna treat them like toddlers who aren’t responsible for their own decisions forever? Genuinely curious how that’s feminist and empowering to do.

^winning comment.

you sure know a lot about the inner working and motivations of Condoleeza Rice and Liam Neeson’s minds.

it seems the idea of nuance confuses you, like so many right now. so try to understand that pointing out there’s scales of severity here is not a ridiculous thing to do.

that depends if you believe men should be punished for being men or not, as so many seem to be taking advantage of this current landscape to suggest we do.