
^this is how the left-wing became the right-wing.

when i was a teenager and becoming interested in politics, the left seemed natural - they despised censorship and pearl-clutching and bullying others to agree with everything they said and thought or risk alienation.

now the left has adopted those tactics from the

lol, yeah right, then he’d get trashed for that, too. double bind.

I mean, it was people settling personal scores (many of them land/property-related) by making vague accusations that had no grounding in truth...*shrug*

it’s at least a nice break from recognitions calling everyone that disagrees with them an abuser themselves.

they’re really not better than this.

If we’re talking power and vulnerability, I can’t think of much more vulnerability than your career being shattered based on the power of someone’s word alone.  

Suggesting we discern shades of grey and nuance across incidents rather than a ‘good’ pile and an ‘evil’ pile without any context? BAD COMMENT.

it didn’t know what it was doing more than half of the time.

it did come to a pretty good conclusion, despite it all. something a lot of shows don’t get.

This show was pretty damn fun...but...

a) the first season was far superior
b) the second season being subpar is probably an indicator of Ms. Bamford’ mental state, so i can’t blame creativity
c) i care more about her mental state than the future of her show

Can he hand over control of his restaurant chain to someone that knows what they’re doing, as well?

“Yeah we’re square, Mayor Quimby”

You should also do something about the way you interpret what other people say, because it’s pretty out of whack.

Christ, leave this poor woman alone.

Every small town has that obnoxious kid that constantly whines about how ‘provincial’ said small town is and they’re bound for STARDOM.

New York is full of every small town’s kid like that. I have other gripes with New York, voluminous ones, but that one sticks out in this context.

You should speak to a therapist about your problems with generalizing an entire race of people as ‘bad’.

that’s a fair point.

yeah, how silly that he cares about how his art is used without his input or even being politely notified about it beforehand. just another old white asshole, eh, recognitions?

i like Bigelow’s work but I found it messy. Not her strongest film.

exactly. quotas seem like the wrong way to fix things. let’s have more opportunities for female and POC filmmakers at the start of the process, rather than demanding we sort nominations by anything other than artistic merit.