Duke Thompson

My opinion of Temple has been so severely degraded by this. They were clearly so desperate to hold on to Cosby as the most famous person who attended there. How was he able to continue to be part of the board? He and Pattyboy should both have been forced to resign.

GOOD GOD people buy a fucking Nalgene or whatever and carry it with you!

I was not anticipating Super to be the movie it turned out to be, and it was very upsetting.

Argoman was the new riff they did on the MST3K live tour this past summer. It was amazing and a perfect MST movie. I hope they include it in the next season.

I mean with the right people doing motion capture, I’m not opposed to it per se. This just happens to look bad. And they seemingly have taken much of what makes Venom interesting and scrapped it in favor of some dumb-ass generic 90s movie techno-corporate conspiracy bullshit.

Ahhh haha that’s exactly the movie I couldn’t put my finger on that this reminded me of.

Now playing

“Release your inner anti-hero” is quite possibly the lamest stepdad-trying-to-sound-cool-to-his-new-wife’s-kids tagline I’ve ever seen.

Hey, I’m a Sixer fan. I’ve got no problem with tanking. Hell, taking a break from caring about 1 out of 4 teams for a few years is kind of a relief. I wouldn’t say tanking is exactly noble but if it works, it is worth it.

Right, I don’t think that word gets to the spirit of the question. Tanking has a pretty clear connotation of purposefully trying to lose to get the best shot at high draft picks for several years in a row to build a competitive team sometime in the nebulously defined future. Using the word tanking gives more credit

I always have 2 lines of thinking on this.

I feel no pity or shame as I walk into the theater a shakey, clacking mess from the 3 - 4 boxes of candy I bought for $1 a piece at Five Below that are literally the same size as the ones in the lobby. I pay my $8 for a small popcorn at the theater, so fuck em.

Dude definitely loves Trump, no?

Hm I wonder what this creep looks like...

I’d be interested to see the data on where contributions are coming from. I threw a couple bucks his way along with Randy Bryce and I can’t vote for either. Unseating Cruz and Paul Ryan seems so symbolically significant to me, especially with their essentially complete bowing to Trump after their initial little show

I read it when I was in high school and remember being disappointed but feeling like I had to read the whole thing. I remember being especially put off when Bateman lovingly coats a used urinal cake in chocolate and gives it to his girlfriend to see if she will say anything.

My lady was out of town in September this year and I work late pretty close to a Toys R Us so I decided to scope out Force Friday because I am a sucker for free t-shirts. I was the second person in line and sat there for around an hour chatting with a bunch of dudes roughly 27-45 years old who were really REALLY into

Fucking Oldman. Such a smug prick asshole. If he were American the dude would definitely be a MAGA guy.

Dahmer was probably the first serial killer I read deeply into, and that detail has always haunted me.

One time a few blocks from my house there was a really obviously drunk middle-aged black woman stumbling around literally in the middle of the street, just weaving into traffic. We flagged down a (white, 30ish, really chubby) cop driving by and pointed her out and his only response was if she’s not posing a threat to

I think their understanding of the separating of church and state is only to the extent that the government cannot declare an official religion, so you’re free to be a Baptist or a Pentacostal or a Methodist or a Lutheran or ugh even Catholic I guess- you know, whatever religion you want!