Does anyone know about a never released ps1 game that involved like setting traps in a mansion to kill people? I remember reading a walkthrough in Tips & Tricks and then it got cancelled for being too violent or something.
Does anyone know about a never released ps1 game that involved like setting traps in a mansion to kill people? I remember reading a walkthrough in Tips & Tricks and then it got cancelled for being too violent or something.
And the less said about Jurassic World, the better
These people are the scariest types. Their “faith” is just digging through the bible looking for passages that can plausibly be interpreted to give permission for their bullshit.
He’s one of the go-to “NFL experts” they trot out on the local philly sports talk station. He speaks really authoritatively but says nothing of substance.
My best friend in high school has a step-dad who slowly became really engrossed with Fox News right when it debuted. He was always so interesting to me, because he grew up a big punk and metal guy and could have equally eloquent conversations about the best Dead Kennedys and Black Flag deep cuts as he could about how…
Fucking Lego does that mystery toy shit, too. I would own so many minifigs if you could just buy the one you want. But I’m not buying a mystery Simpsons pack hoping for a Barney and getting a fucking Professor Frink, godammit.
yes, Pro Bowler and Division Champion Matt Cassel
Well, there’s always hope that somebody learned a lesson from Matt Cassel’s run in Kansas City.
Jesus I forgot how much every lame-ass self-important writerly Sportswriter talked about Jessica Simpson during that time. So fucking gross.
I will always be grateful to Romo for that botched hold. That was the first NFL playoff season I was 21 for. It was such a novelty to spend all day at the bar watching football. The Eagles were still alive, yet to blow another of their prime years to the Saints. All season everybody was going on and on about Romo’s…
I work in an urban school district. 12-year old girls think Chris Brown is the hottest. It’s gross and awful.
This reminds me of a very gross conversation I listened to my (female, middle-aged) coworker have about Bill Cosby and Andrea Constand.
I remember reading an article about him playing high school baseball and everybody hating him because he was a pompous jagoff.
The most Chris Brownian thing I’ve seen is the video where he’s in Amsterdam railing on some elderly lady for “snitching” about him smoking weed and being loud as fuck on his dumbass motorcycles. You’re in another country and being an obnoxious douchefuck and it’s this lady’s fault for calling you out. Don’t take away…
Regardless of how hot he is and how well he dances he still deserves to be called a piece of shit period.
At what point does the mental illness become irrelevant to the fact that someone is just a complete piece of shit? It’s one thing if that kind of behavior is the breaking point of establishing that there are serious mental health issues but his responses have never shown even a smigdeon of self-awareness or remorse.
Albert, I believe the preferred nomenclature is “shit for brainses.”
I know. I didn’t think the song was messed up for referencing Sandy Hook, I found the situation inappropriate. Either way I think that song is boring ¯\_(ツ)_/¯