
Also, the fact that the first slayer was created by a man is also discussed as problematic *within the narrative*. 

Um, the Watchers *are* considered problematic within the narrative of Buffy, as well as the fact that they are paid. Buffy leaves the Watcher’s Council as a result of their archaic/sexist ways. And *spoiler alert* we eventually learn that the Watchers didn’t start the Slayer tradition, but rather it was a group of

This still gets me. *shudders*

I’ve often told people that if I could do it all over, I’d go to law school and make it my life’s mission to take down the Church of Scientology.


Too easy!

Too easy!

Oh, give me a break. Ripa (who I’m no big fan of) did the right thing by staying in place, where she already was, when the shelter-in-place orders came.  She is lucky to be where she is, yes, but she has absolutely no reason to be ashamed. How ridiculous. And regarding Kristin Bell’s kid - gossiping about 5 year

“...severe mood or mental changes...” are among the side effects? Who would even know?

I go on a walk every day, without a dog slowing me down to pee and poop in everyone’s front yard. It CAN BE DONE.

Cats are intelligent. You have to earn a cat’s love. If you’re not up to the task, take your blindly obedient dog and your basic-ness and go walk around scooping poo off people’s lawns if that’s what gets you going (or just leave it there like half the other dipshit dog owners). Fuck. Quarantine makes me cranky. Dogs

Came here just for your condescending comments. Did not disappoint. Some people may just not like this story. That doesn’t mean they are illiterate (or haven’t read Marx...seriously?) Deal with it.

Did you just take your first literary theory class? That’s cute.

Two single and attractive heteros of same age (and not related, even though the preview seems to imply that) have sex. Groundbreaking stuff. Very “forbidden.” Yawn.

Seriously, what kind of medieval stupidity is this? Are we in the dark ages? Who’s in charge here?

I was obsessed with the Poltergeist movies as a child, and the little girl in them especially. I would pretend I was her in nearly all of my pretend play from about 9 to 12.

Savage, and TRUE.

Just when I thought Bernie couldn’t be more dead to me, he goes into full on brainless zombie-mode. What the actual fuck.

Well by this logic (which I’m not arguing against) the books are also super creepy. There are very detailed descriptions of her body, as well as situations of dubious consent/outright rape.

How in the hell is “Halsey” a worthy enough name to stand on its own?  I mean, Madonna I get. Beyonce I get. Cher I get. But Halsey? Also I don’t even know who this person is, so that makes it even funnier. Also get off my lawn.