
Seriously, if I see one more anti-masker/COVID hoax conspiracy-theorist/anti-vaxxer/essential oil schilling moron post “You do you,” I might lose it. THERE IS NO “YOU DO YOU” in a fucking pandemic. Also, can we also talk about how ableist these people are?

That really sucks. My kiddo would definitely benefit academically from having a tutor, but she also has asthma, so I feel like it’s probably too much of a risk. We’ve been in total lockdown with the exception of one family that we trust. It’s really hard. The vaccine can’t come soon enough.

UGH. I’m so sorry and hope that you are all okay. I was thinking of hiring a tutor for my kiddo, but this post has made me reconsider.

I thought that’s what they did in the past, along with editing them. Kind of lazy of the staff, if you ask me.

People were making fun of others for coming up with titles....you can’t win.

This all seems like a good argument for driving an automatic ;)

Good lord. This smacks of “I’m not like other girls, I’m cool,” mentality. You know, that special kind of internalized misogyny that dictates that anything feminine should be derided as inane and consumer-driven? Pink is so gross, amiright? PSL? So dumb.

I read that as a “puppet” and really freaked out at first. A doggie is much less scary!



How horrible. I’m glad your friend recovered, though. Was this in Santa Cruz, by any chance? I just feel like this would happen there, for some reason.

Nooooooo. This is terrifying.

Oh, this one really creeped me out. Sounds like a demon.

Lesson learned! Glad that cop was so comforting and insightful. Sorry you had to go through that (and Leslie too).

A lot of weird stuff has happened to me over the years, and I consider myself “sensitive,” despite also being an atheist. I tend to think that there are explanations for the supernatural but that we just don’t have the answers yet. It’s all energy, right? Anyway, here is one of the creepiest things that happened to me

Ugh, I do not like the spirit peering around her book. Shivers!

Oh, this is good. I sometimes have this fear!

Seriously, fuck IUDs and all similar torture devices. My husband and I use condoms too. No accidents.

Seriously, this is so vague.

So....what happened?