
In my case, women (which makes it feel so much worse). But then again there weren’t many men on call that night (doctors or nurses). The one male nurse that I had during my c-section was really gentle and kind. And there were many nurses and midwives who helped out that were also great. Unfortunately, a few bad apples

Are you an angel sent from heaven? YESSSS!

Yep, been there. I had an emergency c-section and afterwards, a nurse VERY FORCEFULLY applied pressure to my abdomen (some kind of check? I don’t know, I was out of it.) It was so painful. I told her to stop and she didn’t. Finally, the other nurse told her to not apply so much pressure (because c-section). That nurse

I can certainly believe this. I’ve only been to Santa Cruz a few times, but each time I’ve gotten the weirdest sensation immediately upon arrival - like all the hairs on my body are standing straight and my thoughts get a little chaotic. I only stayed overnight there once for a concert and had really bizarre and scary

All American chocolate is crap—it tastes like wax due to all the emulsifiers. And Hershey’s banned European chocolate (the good kind) from being imported. I hate this country so much.

All American chocolate is crap—it tastes like wax due to all the emulsifiers. And Hershey’s banned European

It’s a pretty terrible look in my opinion, but her wooden acting really irritates me so I might be biased.

It’s horrible how self-hatred spirals out and hurts others. Still, this guy can rot.

See, I’m a woman and I’m like your husband. I’ve given birth, I’ve had terrible periods and ovary pain, but I still don’t like ANY pain.

It’s fun how men are always tougher than women, except when it comes to pain. Women can just deal with pain so much better, guys. It’s science (or lack of complaining due to a lifetime of not being taken seriously).

You can’t ask politely. That doesn’t work. You need to be like, “Get the fuck out,” and MEAN IT, with the conviction of your entire being. None of this “please” shit. Believe me, as a person who has dealt with spirits my whole life, this is the only thing that works.

You are doing an amazing job, momma!