dug deep

Dear Penthouse: It was a hot day in the summer. The mechanic’s blue shirt was unbuttoned an extra notch, showing glistening chest hair. His hands were the rough, strong hands of a working man as they shook mine and I looked into his grey eyes, steely as the tools he wielded.

People are ignorant dildos because they see you drive past a spot and assume you missed it or were going for another spot?  Ok...

I had a girlfriend who, after I’d apologised for talking at her for five minutes said “I wasn’t interested, but I like seeing you being geeky about something so it’s all good”.

“I can tell by that face that you’re either incredibly bored or trying to suppress powerful feelings of arousal. Let’s see if I can seal this deal with some details about grocery store traffic patterns...”

If it were me, the inside of the windshield would be covered with piss and vomit.

Not even gonna mince words, I feel like I’ve been crushing on Sabine for like 15 years now. Nothing put a smile on my face more than hearing that classic maniacal laugh of hers in whatever episode of Top Gear she showed up in, because you knew that episode was about to be taken to the next level.

All of the hosts,

My wife asks me something.  My reply starts with “I’m glad you asked!”  She instantly shuts down.  And I don’t even do that on purpose.

If, for example, a $1,000 e-bike came with a $1,000 tax credit, and you could use that e-bike to get to work reliably every day, it would be a great reason to spend money on a new bike.

You know a car costs a lot more than that, right?

“This is why you can’t remember our anniversary, isn’t it?”

That expression means she’s full. Add more at your peril. 

My wife: what are you reading?

In other words every one that cares already knows.

When I start explain esoteric bullshit to my wife, she gets that face too, bit it’s because she knows I’m avoiding discussing something more important.

My wife asked me something once, and I said, “Do you want the long answer or the short answer?” She said I better give her the short answer, which was, “I don’t know.” The long answer I’m sure would have made her look like that, but amounted to the same thing as the short answer.

For almost a year now, i’ve daily driven an EV so statements about the lack of “frunks” really boarder on the ridiculous to me. Bottom line, if your going to complain about something that’s missing that know one ever uses anyways, than what’s the point? Who cares? its trivial when there’s a large traditional trunk. I

I’m fixated on it because it’s a very clear example of what I think the ID.4's biggest issue is: It doesn’t really feel finished. 

Perfect car for my next LS swap.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

The worse was that the 3 cars we looked at (elantra, focus, and I can’t remember the last one - Mazda 3 I think?) were all ON THE LOT with cruise.

Nope. You can’t run hydrogen through natural gas pipelines. Hydrogen is a very small molecule and besides the embrittlement issues it will simply leak out of many materials. Hydrogen is never going to transported in pipelines.