dug deep

I was a suburban kid with either no busses or no need for busses depending where I was living at the time. We went to visit relatives in Milwaukee one summer, and my cousin invited us downtown and to get there we had to take the city bus. “Don’t stare, and don’t make eye-contact” were the instructions he gave us, and

I read your original post a few days ago and I’m still pissed at Walter

I rotated my own tires, and because I couldn’t get the lugs tight enough on the jack I waited until the tires were on the pavement to tighten them.  Or so went the plan.  In reality I made it the three miles to work, when in the parking lot my car started driving like it was doing a hula.  I tightened the lugs right

I’m not saying it was hot yesterday, but when I sat down in my car after a day in the sun (and black leather seats) the casual observer might have thought I just looked into the Ark of the Covenant.

I think I had a model of that UOP car when I was little. I remember saying “Mom! How do you say ‘UOP’?

Golden retriever people>stereo nerds

bullshit bullshit bullshit...oh, wait! You picked a pretty good car for me, and your vague description of my personality traits are close enough to give you a mental fist-bump.  But it’s still bullshit!

I drive a Chevy Volt, and the most unexpectedly satisfying aspect is the silence. I was excited to finally have Android Auto, but hardly ever use it. I’ve almost always used the windows to cool the cabin rather than the A/C, but not anymore...windows up=even more silence.

chong chong chong chong

My dad used to just adjust the rear view mirror to reflect headlights back.  I remember as a kid thinking that was clever, but once I started driving I realized what a pain in the ass it is to get the mirror back to juuuuust the right position.

My Type3 required that kind of attention with it’s voltage regulator. Sadly since I was driving a then-considered dorky Type3 fastback I had nobody’s dad to impress.

I’ve had a number of pretty cool cars including a VW Type3 fastback, a 69 Mach 1, and an Audi Coupe, but I think the one I regret most is my old 78 VW Scirocco with the Sidewinder package. White with a black stripe down the hood, gold BBS wheels, Hurst shifter, and a heckblende (https://jalopnik.com/this-thing-has-an-a

Yeah, but think about how cold it is in the winter.  Totally evens out, right?

I had a 69 Mach 1 with no power steering and slow leaks in both front tires. If you don’t know this car, instead of a horn in the center of the steering wheel it had a rubber ring around the inside of the actual steering wheel itself.  Now, imagine parallel parking.  Now imagine it on a college campus with tons of

Easy: Alloy wheels. Because plastic wheel covers are the velcro shoes of the automotive world

My uncle was the same way, and I could kinda see his point.  One time I made the same no-logo demand and it was such a PITA that I just don’t care anymore. That and the dealership logos got a lot cooler around here

I was both impressed and disappointed in the level of restraint.

If you’re going to have competition, it might as well be you

You win, FARC>bad weather/bad drivers. I question your decisions.