dug deep

Miata isn’t a great option if it rains a lot or if you have a long torso or need to drive with a 65 pound dog. 

So wild that t he MAGA nuts who have for years been buying as many guns as they can because they are scared shitless of a government taking too much power from the people are now cheering on the very thing they were so afriad of.

Yes to this, but also, Democrats need to stop playing this “we need to work across the aisle, take the high road” buddy buddy spineless bullshit they keep trying to do.  Trump is out here flinging executive orders around like a he’s making it rain at a strip club, and Democrats are just at home hiding in their

I once really wanted a Tesla and now its a non-starter.  Less than zero interest.

Ah, the Model SS.

I’m just going to leave this here. He has clearly he told us who he really is, all in one photo. He also did this solute several times!

I replaced my Model 3 with an EV made in a country where Musk could have been arrested for that salute. Irony. 

Can I say how much I appreciate the take on these news stories - you’re not trying to be “objective” or “non-political” because no one can afford to be at this point. Keep calling out the bullshit, and don’t let the idiots off easy.

Make America great again!

My son is graduating college in May, and I’m going to give him the E30. He loves it, and I’m ready to try something new. Never owned a Porsch-uh, convertible or midengined (other than a brief fiasco with trying to use a Fiero for RallyCross), so thinking that a used Boxster would be a good new experience.

*Ahem* 🎶I’m reading this list, checking it twice. What do you mean you broke the pipe vice?! Maintenance mechanic is wearing a frown.

I did a ridealong in a GT3 and it was scary.  The whole time it felt like the rear end was just itching to hop sideways.  Waaayyy too much power for a rear engine vehicle.  Which is weird, because you’d think the engine would keep it on the ground. 

Of course, it would need to be the Ter-Cell 4X.

I definitely laughed harder at “tall vanilla mach-e auto” than I had any right to :)

Ugh... I have two vintage Dodges sitting in my carport that told me the “we’ll be easy to fix” lie.

An 81 Dodge Omni 024 De Tomaso and an 82 Rampage. The Rampage was my wife’s Grandfather’s car and her first ride. I was interested in the Omni because it was supposed to be running, and I needed an engine, floorboards

PROMISE no judgment? Then in that case, I think calling the Mach-E a Mustang was brilliant.

My controversial car opinion is that people who read Jalopnik do not know what “opinion” and “car” and “controversial” mean when those words are strung together. 

Shhh, listen, they’re calling to you....  “Buy us...”