dug deep

She’s not into hipsters and their “ironic” cars!

rear-engined ‘kind of’ wagon?  I think this is the “New Type 3"

I saw one of these the other day in the parking lot of my daughter’s high school.  It was immaculate, and perfect, and I still don’t know how I felt about seeing it.  Like a mixture of nostalgia, awe, and abject horror.

I liked the wheels up until the picture with the Porsche’s Teledials.  More of those woulda looked good on the trailer.

They should have called it “GT40"

I’m 100% convinced if drivers stopped giving up their right-of-way to cyclists, cyclists would stop riding like assholes. I’ve been a road cyclist for 30 years and ride using the same rules as if I was driving. You wave too many people through an intersection when its not their turn, they’re going to expect it.

The far heater control in my GTI is partially blocked by its own knob (way to the right in the picture).  I think I’d be happy with a touchscreen.

We ended up leasing to get out of a similar situation. Daughter was born and my wife had a near-miss in our Geo Tracker which would have for sure killed the baby, and likely my wife. The next week she was driving a used Volvo XC, which ended up being a HUUUUUGE financial drain. Oil change = “oh, you’ll need new rotors

I’m your size, which is tall enough.  Sometimes I feel like I was put on earth to help people get stuff off the top shelf.

The words “boss” and “fucking weasel” can be used interchangeably here

I had a boss who drove the same make/model/color Mercedes as his wife.  Then I noticed they also had the same license plates 

The Millennium Falcon has always looked battered 

I always wondered...”Prelude” to what?  Thanks, internet!

So...it’s a tall Mach-e auto?

I’d have to know when to shift by making engine noises with my mouth.  

Isn’t racing trashed road cars YOUR thing?

This is the “velcro shoes” of the automotive world.  CP

Welcome to America.  It’s now pronounced “Pew-gut”

This is why I come to this site.  This is good Jalop.

my ‘12 GTI came with a metal shift knob, and on really hot days I kinda wish it was a plastic golf ball