dug deep

Don’t ALL gas stations have electricity?  Seems like it would be fairly easy to put in a charging station, and if it got to be popular then put in another.

Mock 1

A friend took me to his garage to show me his new sports car. I had to bite my lip to keep from saying “Oh. It’s a Cobalt”.  But for the $ I kinda get it

I read this as “traumatic brain injury” and thought: “Ha! that’s a good one!”

I’m to the point where crossovers are to me just what cars look like today. Bulging fenders in the ‘50's, 30' of wallow in the ‘70's, and crossovers today. Plus I can get behind the concept of “one car that does it all”, even if handling is the low end of the equation.  

Lexus: “We’ve got the drone concept realized, now who was in charge of the trunk-mounted dash cam and ankle saws?”

Weird. I grew up in WI and the one car I distinctly remember from auto shop class was a Grenada with a manual, because I’d never seen one before. I think its a lot of car for bicycle money, so I voted NP...BUT I feel like I survived this era once and have zero desire to survive it again.

Mine were NOT in this kind of condition, and despite the VW picture having a woman in it, the Mustang worked much better in that aspect. 

My first car was all I could afford, a ‘73 VW Type 3 Fastback, which is a pretty cool car today, but in the ‘80's just looked like it was designed by the soviets. But I loved it and it was mine.  We understood each other. My second car was the complete opposite: a ‘69 Mach 1.  I LIKED it and was proud of it, but I

Oh, man!  I had a girlfriend once that had an early Civic, the only car I’d ever driven with a manual choke.  I loved that car more than she did.

I was shocked I had to scroll this far for the perfect answer

The MG T series are my all time favorites, but I’ve never heard why they skipped the “T E”, they did all the others: MG TA, MG TB, MG TC, MG TD, and MG TF Midget models 

It’s all about the engine, but on a mountain bike cubic displacement is a negative

The good news is rain and road spray hides the pee.

That car is gorgeous and doesn’t have a barn on top of it. 

People complain that all cars look alike.  People complain when someone makes a car that looks different. Takeaway: people complain

Yeah, I’ve been surprised more times than disappointed. The guy who used to cut my hair somehow came into possession of a 280z with 52k original miles, and he didn’t have room/love for it and offered it to me for $2500. I SHOULDA bought it right there, but instead cleared it through the wife who preferred spending the

My wife wouldn’t have said “fine”.  I’m thinking another “f” word...

After backing over a vampire, I concur.