It seems like there's a simple solution: don't allow html in burner posts. Only text. It seems like this would be super easy.
It seems like there's a simple solution: don't allow html in burner posts. Only text. It seems like this would be super easy.
I think the bigger problem is the lack of exploration in either direction. Space and deep sea can teach us much, much more than bomb building and new fancier aircraft.
Wow! Basketball Jesus is so tall!
Does not believe in vaccines, surprise surprise. Doesn't help that there hasn't been such a thing as 'organic' since before the agricultural revolution; none of our food today resembles its 'natural' state thanks to thousands of years of agro adaptation. This concept of 'natural' and 'purity' leads from one…
Holy crap, that despinning was amazing.
...and that's where per-entry salt comes in. It renders rainbow tables useless.
At least we have Net Neutrality as a law, and our internet is also faster.
Speaks well to me. Shows that they know what they can handle. Much better than somebody who buys a dog and then leaves it at home neglected.
That is one of the most athletic looking humans I've ever seen in my life. I pick her first to play on my team.
Seriously! Washing feet, serving drinks, and taking slaps — he was like this guy's version of the perfect woman.
i've been giving my friends handies, they really seem to love them
I'm invading Poland later today right after my period stops.
"maybe you hate beans and peanut butter"
You mean to say that a Christian corporation doesn't actually give a fuck about the children they so loudly and repeatedly claim to care about, but instead they're just a bunch of self-serving, greedy capitalists!? I'm shocked.
I'm not going to lie it was difficult to actually extract meaning from this block of text. I'm still not sure if I know what your point is, other than the (so obvious it hardly warrants mentioning let alone multiple paragraphs) fact that not all men grope at these cons.
Now it's starting to look like triple lightning!
This is the story of how I broke several state laws and had a miserable time.