
I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.

You seem to lack an understanding of how SteamVR works. When you develop for the Vive, you’re developing against SteamVR. SteamVR supports the Rift SDK. Any game written for SteamVR will work on the Vive and Rift. The only thing that could stop a Rift user from running a SteamVR title is having a supported controller

As someone who hasn’t spoken to my father in 8 years, not out of any anger or fallout but just because we are two entirely different people, families are not permanent. They’re just a loose agreement that genetics mean something socially.

“one toxic thing”

It is bad I still haven’t completed the main quest because I don’t care that much about the main character’s kid?

i am female and this constant whinging about everything needing to be pc on sites like this is so tiresome. if you don’t like the tone why are you here?

Takes too long to load

This also happened in desert. 2007 in Iraq near Iranian border. That’s where my platoon operated out of. The picture above is one off our actual launchers(M270A1) Note... each rocket contains about 200lb C4 explosive... and you can have as many as 12 on board. So that makes it 2400lb... Lockheed Martin provided us bad

Yeah bro totally! Like if she walked into my room I’d be like WTF is this? How dare you even think I’d lay with thee. Make me a sandwich and leave!

High five for awesome setup!

High five for awesome setup!


Just in case you’re not purposely trolling, and you actually need a little schooling:

You’re right Anthony Horowitz, Idris Elba has never had experience before effectively playing a character that is traditionally viewed as white.

woah woah woah we don’t need to drag down daniel craig

My formula in college was to find the lowest value of x: $ / amount of cans in box = x

Unless you’re in college, in which case use this formula:

$ / abv = x
Find the lowest value of x.

I had a professor in college, and the professor said his mom lived in rural Idaho and would talk about “the gays taking over.” He said he’d ask her; “Well, what are they gonna do?”

Tales from the New Horizons