
The bill doesn't say their has to be a verbal contract. In this scenario, the woman is allowing access to her room, pulling you closer to her bed, taking off her cloths, etc then each step is part of the affirmation.

The problem is that Men often times over interrupt cues. This bill is trying to say that unless you're

Yes you have a point.

You must bet 18 to purchase Porn.
21 to purchase Alcohol.

18 < 21
Porn < Alcohol

Therefore being a Porn star is worse than being drunk + Women = Victims fault.

Theory intact!

They need to be in a position to punch the guys in the nose if they misbehave

Yeah when I was a kid the derm told me the name for "cancerous moles" which hadn't matured into full blown melanoma but in my head I converted it to Pre-cancer hahah.

Awesome thanks. Yeah I guess what I meant is I know what to look for with moles but I don't have any moles on my skin (other than the one I had removed) and to compound this I am heavily freckled so any small moles are super hard to spot. I know my skin type is very susceptible (hence melanoma running in my family) so

It is weird how often people neglect sunscreen. I have a group of friends that are all super white and a few, like me, who are gingers. We went to Vegas last weekend and I was the only one who brought sunscreen to the pool.

I was like Um what?

How did you go about finding a dermatologist? And if you don't mind me asking what type of insurance do you have... HMO, PPO, etc?

I don't have any moles but I had one when I was a kid which was in the early stages of melanoma (also runs in my family). I was never really sure what do or ask since my skin has no obvious

I had one removed when I was 13. The mole had been on my back since I was a child but started to change colors when I was about 12. As a side note my uncle and I shared the same exact skin tone and complexion and he had died when I was 9 of skin cancer. Of course my parents where concerned so they kept bringing me the

I had my first mole removed when I was 13 :/ Haven't had any since (late 20s now) and I surfed for YEARS so I feel pretty good about that...

I should probably go to the derm too... been a while since I went.

Same. Way to often Ill be in the shower and I will just stare at the wall... then I am like fuck we are in a drought I should get out... but I haven't really washed.

Haha My ex girlfriend used to talk in her sleep... whenever she did I would start responding to her and ask her questions. Half the time it made sense and the other half it was like you said...

It is almost like they don't understand how birth control works.

Based on your statement I would say your conscious self is far more explicit than your subconscious.

Google images is your friend.


Words. Use your words!!! Must know

Peni Pulp

You're siting in math class concentrating on how to factoring binomials and BAM you realize you have a boner which causes you to loss concentration. Worried about whether it will be gone by the time the bell rings you become exponential more aware of the people around you (Especially your crush who sites to your

Thanks. Yeah my mom is thankfully taking full advantage of any programs she can. (which is odd considering she is totally a full blown conservative). In fact she is currently living across the country helping my grandparents around the house. I know that some day she will need my help and knowing her stubborn