
Only boy, and also only child. My mom was diagnosed with MS about 8yrs ago. She is still independent but I KNOW this will not always be the case. Recently, the idea of having to care for her has really started to hit me.

Freaking out a little just like you!

I swear I was tricked into becoming a CS major... Job Description should have mentioned lack of human interaction. Because the 3 other dudes in my office offer little in the way of friendship (forget dating) :(

This combined with a report abuse button on each comment would do wonders. IP Blocks are way to easy to overcome... Good thinking!!!

Haha I thought the same thing. Both my roommate and I are really into short hair and I personally dig her look... but I respect the fact that she is lesbian so end of discussion I suppose.

It was a joke. No they definitely do not have TC systems on these cars...

Traction control.

I shamefully admit that my Ex and I would have sex in my room all the time while my dad was home. Mind you our house was tiny... My bedroom shared a wall with both his room and the only bathroom. Not to mention my door was directly in front of the living room... Basically you could hear everything from everywhere.


The mere fact he writes this shit down shows how insufferable he must be.

I can't wrap my head around sending a woman a picture of my dick. This last weekend I received a really sexy photo of a girl while I was out with some friends. I don't know this girl all that well and never even had to ask for the photo. (However, I do find her extremely attractive and did appreciate the photo)

Pretty much applies to ALL polarized issues. Guns, Drugs, Abortion, etc. People get blinded by their hate for the opposite and they fail to realize that complete denial results in nothing more than making what they hate illegal and as we all know just because something is illegal doesn't mean we wont do it.

Not to mention some of the coddling by doctors is backed by insurance agencies. Risk management... easier to just tell everyone they shouldn't then to assess each individual every-time.

Sex. Check. Underage. Check. No consent. Check. Even if they had consent it wouldn't apply because she is under age. Check and Check...

Yeah qualifies as Child Porn. Case closed

This does not look very comfortable...

The fact that I know what this is from sickens me.

You sound like you have read the books? The games have a great story but the books (though technically not the the exact same story arch) give a TON of context to the games that I would have otherwise not understood.

Seriously. I am finishing up The Swallow's Tower right now... and so far its amazing. The narrative perspective being written from Dandelion's point of view is pretty sweet. I mean I know the author doesn't stay true to that all the time and often employs a more omnipresent narrator but either way the books had far

That's actually pretty typical. When I was in college I attended the College of Sciences which encompassed the following departments.

Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Computer Science, Geological Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics, Psychology

And each of those contained several Majors.

Haha. I almost questioned your response... Luckily I read it again!

Agreed. CS major here walked into a 50K + benefits + quarterly bonuses right out of college. I have a headhunter negotiating for me right now and he says we are going to be shooting for 80K on my next job.

If we are purely referring to ROI... my fields is one of the best. However, my passion was always in art