
burning desire

Bioware did a pretty damn good job of being inclusive. ME1-3 you could play as a either a female or male Shepard and both had AAA quality voice acting and animation.

As the figure above (derived from a recent Department of Justice study) indicates, married women are the least likely to be victimized by an intimate partner.

My mom's car was almost totaled after hitting a deer... and moose weigh about x3 times what a large male deer weighs.

True perhaps I was being too presumptuous but my gym is very much Dude-Bros who go around hitting on every women who walks in. Also I have seen her there a few other times and she is usually pretty polite. Finally, the fact that right after me some other guy approached her and said something along the lines...

"What up

Well part of the issue is that women and men often don't perceive harassment the same way.

A women walks into a club and a some dude grabs her butt.
Man walks into a club and women slaps his ass.

In my book this is harassment regardless of gender. But the reality is more complex. First women are subjugated to sexual

Yesterday at the gym I asked this women if she was using a decline bench next to where she was working out. She basically flipped and screamed no! I thought nothing of it and went on with my workout... Only later did I realize that I was probably like the tenth guy who had approached her during her work out. Though my

I think I naturally do this without really thinking about it. I often will push easier tasks off during the week so I have simple stuff to do on Friday. But then again I am also on here.... right now... making comments... on posts about productivity.

The is one of the more ignorant things I have heard. Bicyclists -> Motorcycles -> Cars -> Trucks -> Train. Basically your saying the smaller object should place their safety into the hands of the larger.

Never played 1 but heard it was hard to get through (very slow). However after reading most of the witcher books I actually recently replayed W2 and found it to be far more understandable from a story perspective. Even though the books and games aren't directly related they still give a lot of context... if you like

After they released the enhanced edition of Witcher 2 it also looked incredible on PC. I am playing it right now on Ultra settings and the cinematic and dialogue scenes are incredible... specially when u consider the game came out a few years ago.

I actually admit to the overuse of ellipses...

This. When I lived in Oregon we didn't pay any sales tax on anything. While in Californian its a shit storm...
My hometown in CA paid like 7.75% while San Diego was more around 8.00%

When it comes to economics non-USA word citizens need to think of the USA as 50 individual countries.

Seriously. Can WiiU people just give up. It's like begging for something you want... it ends up having the opposite effect as you intended.

If you look up analogy you will see it has a hundred definitions which can be applied to a thousand different fields. It has no strict guideline or definition but instead is the idea that one can pull meaningful ideas from abstract concepts. I think it is you who lacks the cognitive discipline to do so.

My phrasing was

Jesus people take shit so literal. Of course I understand that. The point is to bar women from exercise while they are pregnant is stupid. The analogy was simply to illustrate the perceived fragility of the female body that many people seem to have. Furthermore, people extend their own perceptions into the lives of

Using the animal kingdom as an analogy... A pregnant lion doesn't stop searching for food nor does a pregnant zebra stopping running from becoming that very meal. The idea is that if these animals and their offspring can take such a life and bounce back quickly then it is my belief that us human animals can too.

So should a lioness just chill while caring cubs? O yeah I'll just go hunting some other time. The Zebra... Fuck it that predator wont hurt me I am pregnant I'll just relax under this tree.

Agreed. The truth is that people should try to fall somewhere in the middle. Respecting each others decisions. I don't get either argument... So to amend my previous statement If the person was so dead set in either extreme then to me that's a red flag for me to leave.

Red flag. I have two very good friends from HS who have been together longer than most people have been married (10 years I believe). My friend waited all this time before getting engaged and his girlfriend though anxious was very supportive and loved him regardless.

If any women put strict deadline on me I would