
Great point!

Well to be fair shit like this happens on both sides of the aisle though in this case I would argue you are correct. What it does show is how much control corporations and unions can exert. What companies could possibly want to ban third party sales... and by extension effectively Banning Tesla... GM, FORD, CHRYSLER

Yeah I remb in my CS classes If I or any other dude asked a dumb question or made a mistake students and profs would hardly make a fuss but when one of the rare women folk did something wrong it was like Armageddon with ten male students flying over their desks to correct the great injustice these women have befallen

I would be interested to see the break down of this information over which majors each student chose. I am not trying to discredit these women but from my experience in college I more often found that the harder STEM majors where severally lacking in female applicants. But I believe this is more to do with societal

True but I think they did that to protect those on the lower end of the spectrum. Example, Imagine they extended it to three years and we have two "Kids" one 17 and the other 20. Doesn't seem that bad right? However shift that down to 15 and 18 and it becomes a little unsettling. Expand it to 4 years and it gets

Interesting. I didn't look it up while I was commenting so I was just going off old knowledge from when I was a kid. Thanks for the correction.

I think my background with technical writing for programming often makes me prefer more verbose language. However, I agree with your point and think that whether the rape was perpetrated by gun point, knife point, drugs or even coercion they are all, in my opinion, "forced" rape.

As a side note and not to try and find

Sarcasm much?

How is this even news worthy? I worked at Pac Sun back in High School. I purposefully would grab bathing suit bottoms by the tie strings or with a hanger because every once in a while (though very rare) we would find them with spotting.

I was born in 87. I refuse to except that fact I am a millennial. I feel I am entitled to pick which generation I associate with. Generation X seems more appealing, perhaps I can just ask to join? No I will just demand it and get what I want! Yolo

Haha this is crazy! I got my first summons shortly after my 18th birthday while I was still in high school. I have since served 3 additional times and I am only 26...

Granted I have never actually gotten as far as jury selection... Usually I just sit in a large conference room for 4-8hours.

Good Luck doing any of this where I live. Considering the median home price is around $423,000 not having a down payment just wouldn't work. I am sure it is still done but as a seller I would run away from any buyer with out a down payment.

Bahaha. Ok these people are a little extreme. Point taken I concede victory to you.

Or I dunno... get rid of the whole antiquated idea that having your legs apart is indecent! As long as you're not wearing a skirt (or kilt for men) then I don't see an issue with men or women having their legs spread apart.

Also as a dude, sitting with your legs together is actually pretty uncomfortable. In fact it

This is crazy Ironic. Out of the blue last week I decided to google stuff about HW... My hope was that I would be able to play this again. If box art is out then its only a matter of time before pre-orders are available.

Haha actually sadly yes. As a web developer I formed the habit a long time ago and it has stuck with me. Moreover, most of the applications I work on redirect www. to the root domain or vice versa... I can't stop myself.

What does that say about the author... OOOOOO Burn!

True. Some times I wander into gawker or jezebell if I am looking for a more... humanistic / self loathing attitude.

Or Deadspin for sports references that I will never understand and a bunch of people +1 each other.

Yeah to be fair I got into work late today so my first lifehacker session had to be put off until after I made my coffee and finished deleting important emails.