
As I said before on this article... I typically am fiscally conservative (not to be confused with the Political Conservatives / Right-wing) but how can you be ok with starving even a hand full of children over a few hundred dollars. When it comes to food/water/shelter I would rather have 1000 people take advantage of

Interesting because you would think this would be completely unnecessary... like perhaps if we paid taxes or something.

I am all for being fiscally conservative... and I think people who can pay should pay. But the fact people are willing to punish innocent child simply over a few hundred dollars really pisses me off. I would rather see 1000 families take advantage of the system and get free lunches (even if they can afford it) then

Failing ring is supposed to be red. USSR loved red. Rings opening resemble sphincter. Gays love sphincters. Russians hate Gays... Red ring fails to open for gays around the world!

SOVIET RUSSIA IS BACK!!!! God save us!

Haha true. They claimed to be Communist at one point. Let's not kid ourselves though USSR was no more Communist than North Korea is the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea". As you said they basically went from full-blown fascist to now semi-fascist.

Also women are believed to have a better immune system for fighting off infection and recovering from trauma. The latter make sense considering... O I dunno child birth! O also a higher tolerance for pain might help!

O did I mention that number 2 and 3 help to unify the majority under one banner and thus further strengthen the political power. By targeting Gays and subverting women's rights they make it easier to control the masses as single unit. the Nazi's where masters of this type of manipulation and it only seems like its

I think without international pressure Russia is steering toward a semi-fascist regime. They have the beginnings of a pre-nazi Germany.

People give way to much "credit" or "blame" towards the presidency. The President is basically just the voice of the party in charge. Sure they can give a executive order on some smaller issues but they need congress to do the rest... Those are the people with the power.

A button to end social issues would be amazing

I never understood the idea that Women are too emotional therefore inferior when making decisions. If any thing women have a better handle on their emotions while men (myself included) often allow our emotions to manifest in the form of anger and hatred (aka violence).

Once again women have to complicate things by interjecting their good logical ideas into the mix. Men's solution... Blow shit up! Much simpler.

Something my HS Psych teacher always drilled into use was JUST listen. Emphasis on JUST. To often people tell a story (especially when its tragic) and they are simply looking for you to listen and yet the listener feels obligated to respond. Moreover, speaking in itself can be cathartic and sometimes they do not want

A lot of talented modders have been acquired by game development studies simply because of the impressive work they have displayed through mods. It can be both very expensive and unrealistic to try and make your own game/demo to use as a portfolio. Instead some would be game developers take up modding as a means to

Agreed. Even illegally reverse engineering software from one platform to another is impressive. Infact, as a developer I would be more impressed if the managed to circumvent the security on the xbox title, export the content into a readable format, and then reverse engineering said content to be workable on a

Though I get and applaud your metaphor the case you presented is more inline with the old way of harnessing stem cells. When Stem cells where first being researched it was common knowledge that a fetus generates stem cells which then can take on any number of roles. Thus to get stem cells you would need to tap into a

Not so young any more... Marlon Brando.

This does however break when say someone asks you to build them a website or app... There is such a disconnect with how the web works that people think these things are a trivial task and some times an in-your-face lecture is needed. Also tell them your standard rates for freelance work often minimizes the sudden need

Whenever a friend or family member asks me to fix a computer I remind them (nicely) how much of my time it can take to fix a computer. I then use this as an opportunity to delegate some tasks of my own.

I.E. My Old roomate wants me to fix his computer (which I actually gave to him for free 6 months ago) I then told

I agree completely. I wasn't trying to imply that his life and tragic death where fair or right. I was simply saying that the lessons we "could" take away form his courageous battle are exceptional. This is the good that comes of evil.

True. But there is something to be said about people, like Sam, who stand up against impossible odds and make the most of what life they are given. Life is duality. We could never appreciate the good with out the bad... so when I see people like Sam I am reminded that my life is really not so bad. I am a better person