
to the FUCK up. fuck the parents, absolutely, for trying to blame the dude who may have gone to cop for Skaggs. but blaming HIM? dude is dead, dude may well have died from what would have been a normal night if it turned out that he got a pressie with a hot spot or something like that and a usual night of chillin with

Go! It's the exact opposite of your fear! If you're telling yourself to go...go. It most likely will change your life

Yes you absolutely can go. That’s what I did. Don’t feel like you have to take a chip either because you don’t. (That will make sense later)

Whoa! Your meetings have snacks?! Mine only have shitty coffee.

You don’t wash down a bunch of opiates with alcohol unless you’re trying to commit suicide.

This cannot get enough stars. 

“That’s not like him...” they say.


“....and a horrible way to go.”

I get the parent’s grief. But blaming some locker room attendant for running out to score him some drugs and not Skagg’s himself is some next level denial. His death is indeed tragic and I wish he got some help, but it was his decision to make this fatal mistake. Jamming up some underling is bullshit.

^ The only context in which that sentence will ever be stated.

the next season of The Walking Dead looks amazing...

From the article:

Let me get this right. This fucking guy decided to shoot people that weren’t Larry Nassar?

stalls with no doors should be designated a hate crime.

We’re just a bunch of apes, man. We just happened on some wild trippy shit, but we’re just fuckin’ apes.

The real Rogan would have said elk meat; nice try, you imposter.

Can I talk to you about DMT and deer meat? I’m gonna blow your fucking mind. 

With an NFL- promoted soundtrack of shitty country music for a league that is 80% African American. 

they saw this and he was still acquitted. jurors are trash, straight up trash