
Just grandfather it in. Hell thats what hockey did with helmets in general.

Fuck off whitey

I usually key a car if I see one of those stickers on it. 

Lets go Devo!

Would smash.

Why do they need cheerleaders after the game ends?

Violence must be fought with violence. Protests won’t solve shit. We need to win our civil war instead of being distracted by N. Korea

No Iron Spider?!

Don’t give Dana White any ideas.

I want my 5 minutes back.


I was at that show for my 20th birthday!

Teemu better.

He still won’t break Teemu Selanne’s rookie record.

That ass tho.

Agreed. He blocked me on Twitter when I told him the only place Kiss is still relevant is the clearance section at Spencer’s.

No, small joint manipulation is against the rules.

Why is Serena dressed like a Mortal Combat character?

Hang em.

I never knew Babu was Mexican...