little defensive but okay. good for you i guess?
little defensive but okay. good for you i guess?
little defensive but okay. good for you i guess?
little defensive but okay. good for you i guess?
lmao your writing is still terrible. Your pulitzer winning material at the Times includes ‘What to do with all those tote bags’ and ‘how to keep your kids’ art from cluttering your home.’
lmao your writing is still terrible. Your pulitzer winning material at the Times includes ‘What to do with all those…
Makes you sound like human cancer when you attack a person complimenting you. Wow you’re such a big deal dropping those names. People who really are, don’t have to drop names. Phony.
Makes you sound like human cancer when you attack a person complimenting you. Wow you’re such a big deal dropping…
Regardless of wherever else you write, Kinja is absolute trash. Filled with writers who defend themselves from criticism by calling themselves “bloggers” then write rage pieces when companies don’t treat them as “journalists”. Writers who are defended by the upper echelons when they write things like “It’s the most…
Regardless of wherever else you write, Kinja is absolute trash. Filled with writers who defend themselves from…
Kinda seems like they were trying to compliment you? Ah well
Kinda seems like they were trying to compliment you? Ah well
There are many wonderful Finns. Olli Maatta. Esa Tikannen. Teemu Selanne. Saku Koivu. The Other Koivu. Jarri Kurri. All with wonderful names that I’m probably spelling wrong.
I haven’t seen a team member fuck over their own team that bad since Gawker’s mobile web designer.
At least two of the kids with that damn Starter jacket stuck around.
It’s going to get lost in the rest of Trump’s mistakes, but maybe they really were sending their best.
Relax the horses were fine. It's Oklahoma not Santa Ana.
Oh so its funny when they fall off the wagon, but not when I do?
My best guess is that we will stop hearing my take shortly before we stop hearing your response.
Because they’re the kind of person stupid enough to total their Ferrari in a single car accident at 3 am?
I just want to know where the guy in the leopard-print tracksuit bought it, and if they’re stocked in my size.
What’s worse is watching American Jews justify it. The narrative that everything Israel does seems to be permissible in the name of its survival is preposterous, but is the one embraced.
Could have been worse- usually when a Colombian ends up 80 kilos short, his whole family gets murdered.
For some reason, this reminded me of the Sopranos episode where Paulie and Christopher are stuck in a van, freezing, somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the snow. They find old mustard/ketchup packets and end up eating them just to stay alive.