I did do this in the Tri-Cities area of Tennessee, which is FAIRLY rural—I once saw a parade for a Sonic opening—just fyi. Can’t say I have ever lived anywhere more rural than that.
I did do this in the Tri-Cities area of Tennessee, which is FAIRLY rural—I once saw a parade for a Sonic opening—just fyi. Can’t say I have ever lived anywhere more rural than that.
I am up in Southwest Harbor Maine, where one yard has signs saying “Make America GOOD again” and another has signs saying “Every word Trump says is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the,’” (paraphrased from Mary Mc Carthy).
Jeez, I haven’t heard that one for 30 years. Still funny.
Oh, and so much for the veneration of Scalia as an ‘originalist.’ He was just another Catholic who found what he wanted to hear in the Constitution.
FIND A NEW DOCTOR. If you are in an HMO, book at a new doc as a new patient. Most practices will value new patients as additional sources of income over sick people—not the doc’s fault, that’s insurance rules—and, once you are in there, keep asking. You may get the ‘bad patient’ flag—that Seinfeld episode would have…
I live in Maine—and Collins has already indicated she is not running again for Senate—she is going to run to replace LePage as Governor and HE, that crazy fuck, is going to run for Senate.
There is an institutional basis for why they don’t feel that way.
My God. Her grandmother is quoted as saying that she made up these stories to give herself motivation to win races.
The original narrator was Sir Ringo Starr, no shit.
Post something on Chowhound before you make your trip, asking for suggestions on restaurants in the area or alternatively search Chowhound on the location names to see what other folks have said. That way, you won’t get stuck eating at some chain restaurant unless you want to. (I am talking about YOU, Olive Garden…
My husband calls them Mr. Exhaustee, because the guy parks in the handicapped space on the street outside our window and plays the music while he gossips with the neighborhood, all the while with his engine idling.
In re: your comment on loss-prevention guys: I once saw a guy I had fired for stealing from Macy’s--he was working as a TSA agent. He greeted me like we were the oldest and dearest of friends while I blushed and stammered.
My guess is he hasn’t LEFT Manhattan. God knows what might happen to him and his world bubble if he ventured to Brooklyn or, God forbid...
I am 60 yo—until recently, I did not own a hair dryer, a brush or a comb. I bought them this summer because my niece came to live with me.
Have Ngo come to Brooklyn & get a load of the kosher/halal butchers. His mind will be blown.
(Sssh. I wore them then.)
Young people, you need to get out more! Google Myrna Loy or Claudette Colbert or Jean Harlow. For that matter, read Shakespeare, who describes his mistress’s eyebrows being ‘fine as a spider’s web.” (Look at a picture of the first Queen Elizabeth, who plucked her frigging brows to a hair wide.) I have a picture of my…
I loved that movie. It was like one long Valentine to NYC. Fun fact: my niece came to live with me for the summer (I live right outside NYC) and we did an Enchanted tour of NYC (put together by the two of us). “And HERE is the manhole where Giselle fell into Times Square!”
And there is Alex Jones, all worried about his First Amendment rights because he has been ‘shadow-banned,’ wtf that is, on Twitter.
Joe Biden’s best friend was the most powerful man in the world.