
just because you can doesn’t mean you should

Well, you are reduced to being that rando on the internets who brags about his income to anonymous strangers.  But you do you.  

This is what I loathe:

These days I like to amuse myself by googling his most recent user name + tomato to see just what he has done this time.  He’s consistent with the names, I will give him that, but you are right, his writing style gives him away before I even go there.

If you think shareholders, who are the true owners, get much of a voice in this, then you really know nothing about corporate America. The decisions are made by boards and the boards are made up of people who are looking for THEIR next CEO job.

This. This is the issue.

Am I getting this story right? The prosecutor is essentially saying, well, they might not have committed that rape but they must have been guilty of SOMETHING? How is that a reasonable position for a law-enforcement official to hold?

Whoops, concern troll.  Sorry.  Disengage.

Philip Nowlan, who created Buck Rogers, lived next door to my grandparents in one of those beautiful rambling Philadelphia Mainline houses.  He grew prize pansies, as I remember.

My grandfather died in our house when I was a kid and I wanted SO MUCH to see his ghost!

Again, in what world are tampons ‘age-inappropriate props”?  

I flinched just reading this, like when reading the word ‘yawn’ makes you yawn!

In what world are curse words, condoms, and TAMPONS equivalent?

My niece is helping me pack for a move and she gave herself an involuntary leg wax yesterday with the Gorilla Glue tape.  Talk about ouch.

Children ripped screaming from their parents are “enjoying terrific free facilities.”

All the stars, man.  All the stars.

Anybody up for creating a gofundme to bring that balloon to the US?  We could set it up outside Trump Towers.

Start a cookbook book club. Some of them are such a pleasure to read. We had a club like this at work where, each time we met, someone would make a recipe from the book being discussed and share it with the group—but the group had a lot of serious cooks and bakers, so that worked, but wasn’t essential. And readers can

“My hand might inadvertently grab some lady’s ass!  I never know what it’s going to do next!”

OTOH, servers did have to keep topping up the coffee.